Bring Back Mage Tower

There is only 1 thing that I regret in life and it’s not getting the Gorilla bear from the mage tower. The only reason I didn’t do the mage tower for Guardian Druid is because I would never think I would play a tank, but I’m really enjoying it. I do have a couple ideas like I was thinking, bring back the scenarios but make them like a legacy thing so it would still be challenging to do when your level 60. By bringing back the Mage Tower, people will actually have something to do besides just raid logging, and doing Torghast. I think most people will agree with me that the Mage Tower was some of the best content we had in awhile, it was also very rewarding, because it was incredibly challenging. Blizzard I hope you consider this, Thank you.


Deja vu, I have seen this thread before.


I have all of the rogue MT appearances and all of the warrior MT appearances. I’m only telling you this to make you jealous. You’re welcome.


Nothing anyone can do about it, but removing cosmetic content is kinda dumb.


Making the MT available again devalues the work put in by people who did it when it was current content. Part of the value of the MT appearances is that they are that unique, and a symbol of doing hard content while it was still hard.
Example: MT appearances wouldn’t be as coveted as they are right now if MT was still available.


Hope you brought your flame retardant suit, OP.


Mage tower was scaled to our artifacts, it was meant for a challenge then

I too wish I made a DH and gotten the havoc DH mage tower skin but I’m not going to get upset about it because it’s my choice


I don’t mind if they keep the appearances unobtainable, but I’d like to see more solo challenges added to the game. I loved it, even if it was easier for some specs.


Take a shot everyone

And no, the mage tower was listed as a limited time thing and it should remain a limited time thing. You didn’t earn the skins during Legion, then tough luck you’re sol. As is the case with almost every other Limited time/exclusive event/deal/item


how so? just scale it like they scale the other content which you know “devalues” the work other people have done when that content was current especially mount farmers.

also some specs didnt put in work at all cause their MT scenario was so damn easy such as Fire mage. there are a few others as well. it was mostly a mechanic fight as well not a gear check and quite a few video’s proving so with heavily undergeared completing it.


Look, I understand wanting the bear form. But Blizzard was clear - they were going away at the end of Legion. That’s why I worked my butt off to gear and learn Guardian within 2 weeks of the deadline. I would -not- have done that if the tower was going to return one day.

There are plenty of appearances I wish I’d gotten. Havoc, Feral, Prot Warrior, etc. But I knew that they’d be gone after Legion. You made your choice, just like I did.

I’m 100% in favor of a new version of the Mage Tower being made, but only if available appearances are new.


I wish Blizzard was good at scaling content because maybe they could leave some older challenges in the game but they have proven to be awful as scaling older content.


No. Time sensitive means time sensitive.


Honestly…I’m not 100% against it

Now hear me out…I would limit it. As long as that toon got a mage tower appearance on another spec they could go back into an updated and scaled version of the encounter once a week to attempt it.

Example I have on my priest the shadow and disc appearance, but not holy.


Why would I feel devalued.
My achievement is within myself.
Others getting it can’t hurt it in any form.



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I’m on the fence about bringing back old appearances, but I do agree it was pretty sus of Blizzard to allow all specs to use artifact skins years after making them no longer obtainable.

I feel you man, legion to me will always be the class customization expansion. And I guess since they did that trope they wont do it again. I am hoping I am wrong. But even if MT dont come back. Make a new werebear skin druids can try to get. Hunters complained enough and got the artifact pet back. So believe!

Thats complete nonsense. I got my original OG zulian tiger from ZG back in vanilla and it was announced that it would be unobtainable after they revamped ZG.

However they have now put it up on the BMAH and I see more people running around with the zulian tiger. Should I cause an uproar and get that mount removed from people who bought it on BMAH cos it devalues the work I put in to farm it back in vanilla?


Yup we’re back to this again. I guess casual v hardcore are out now and let’s start complaining about mage tower.

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