Corruption Gear Isn't Required for 2100+

so let me get this right

you made a thread boasting about how easy it is to get 2100 without corruptions (no arguement) despite being barely able to break the bracket BELOW 2100 with half a decades worth of games

then when i call you bad
you try to bully-shame me as if you didn’t make this thread calling everyone else bad

??? you cant be the antagonist and the victim

except you do

since you have 1 duelist from the most inflated arena season in history and 50 rivals
or have you just never felt like “pushing rating” since picking the game up and you’re just assuming when you feel like getting around to it you’ll have no problem


wow so sensitive. So saying “Corruption gear is not required for 2100+” that’s shaming people? or wait was it “Stop making excuses”. Did that trigger you?

I think you need to work on your comprehension skills. I already said I didn’t “Push rating” for 400+ games. You are not that bright. Learn to read in context.

Edit: I love the fact that everything you are trying to imply about me is your own pretentious way of thinking yet… what I said is literally a fact based off of the fact that 2100+ players actually exist without corruption gear.

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ya you’re basically saying “shut up stop complaining about this stupid system it’s fine btw” when in reality you’re hard capped at hardly prebfa challenger

if someone who was actually capable of qing past challenger made this post it would come off alot less stupid tbh

ya i have 0 corruption gear

you have 0 raiting

why are you the one making this thread?

what did you afk? unplug your keyboard? intentionally make 50 mistakes? you can play arenas casually without sucking btw

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I see I hurt your little feelings. How about you just wait it out and I will roll past that little 2100 rating bracket for you. By the way nice job adding in all the dramatic detail that I did not include myself.

My rating is hardly 0 and is actually only about 180 away from 2100 in 2s. Maybe just sit back and wait it out little guy.

Edit: So you are saying no one plays arena without the intent of pushing rating?

You assume a lot Dark. You assume just about everything you have said.

you do realize how ironic this is right?

you can’t tell me you’re just THIS stupid and not trolling

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You are a rock. I have not been pushing rating what do you not understand about that.

I said it was possible. I know this is a fact because I know a lot of friends who already did it.

So get out of your feeling and grow a pair little guy.

It’s like you don’t know how to read but just want to keep replying.


you literally said

stop making excuses

then made 5 excuses on why you’re stuck at pre bfa challenger

thoughts? need input here

The input is read the entire paragraph you moron.

ya i’m the one in my feelings

not the 1x duelist stuck 400 points under the rating he made a thread about being easy to get


dw it’s just

you dont pve!!!
and you dont have partners!!!
and you dont really try!!!
BUT WHEN YOU DO!!! oh man we better be ready!!!

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hmm 2100 minus 1917 that’s probably really hard math for you.

ya i dont usually work with such small numbers idk man
challenger to rival math never something i’ve done idk

have a great week

lmk if you get around to trying? or plugging in your keyboard? or turning your monitor on? or whatever else was keeping you at challenger
there were so many excuses i’m not sure which one to target

Actually thinking corruption gear doesn’t help push people that don’t deserve their rating up shows pure ignorance and stupidity… Corruption is definitely broken and needs tuned way down or just removed.


Don’t feel bad. A priest vs a DK/Shaman you need all the help you can get.

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This is a Costco

was wondering how long it would take to damage some1 (not sentient) playing/defending/enjoying destro

Ahhh the hardstuck has spoken.