Corruption Effects Adjustments Incoming

You really have to love the fact that Echoing Void was so broken and overpowered that Warcraftlogs is wiping parses with todays reset. :clown_face: Corruption won’t be missed.

Never mind time gating not being a thing for the first 12 years of wow.

Just… whatever you do, Blizzard, don’t add TF back in because of how horrendously designed and impossible to balance Corruption is.

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Why can’t we just add specific corruptions to our gear with a set price of mementos and try some deterministic gear progression? :thinking:


For the same reason we have yet to see gear vendors in game.

Blizzard simply wants to have systems in place that maximize MAU numbers so that to Activision and shareholders, it would appear the game is doing fine.

They have come to realize that a given percentage of the player base will follow any carrot down a rabbit hole, no matter how deep, dark, and grim.


it happens with prepatch and the shills then talk about it saving the xpac

Most psychologists suggest that 20% of human populations are prone to such gambling schemes so they have latched onto exploiting that segment of the human population.

Game designers realized it far before anyone else did. If you have people play a lotto, and reward them occasionally, they’ll keep playing for another chance at the dopamine high.

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This. Just remove both and let gear be gear without the added RNG nonsense

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We will never catch the dragon!

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REMOVE THE CORRUPTION THEN!. MAKING US PLAYERS WASTE TIME FOR BIS R3 CORRUPTION JUST TO TOSS IT IN THE BIN. ON TOP OF THAT YOU NERFED WHAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE STRONG WITH DRAWBACKS WHILE STILL KEEPING 60 corruption on those NOW GARBAGE PIECES. What really is the point of having a PTR? do you guys even play the game at all? Why are we back playing this game when you have clueless cuckboys doing the patches?
Buff the underperforming, it makes you look like absolute idiots to keep nerfing your “new idea” (NOT REALLY NEW).


Pretty silly since parses will ultimately mean nothing thanks to corruptions.

Farming guilds are just going to rotate people using crazy corruption with dedicated healers to get big parses.

Wait what?

I just got gear with echoing void. I’d been hearing how great it is; does it still rank at the top, or did the 50% kill that?

They won’t do that but good luck .

I just got a staff warforged with Void Ritual level 3, much appreciated, but at a 66 corruption point cost, it is unusable and unmanageable, specially when paired with my current corruption gear. You should reduce overall damage but reduce even further the cost. For example, cut damage by half and cost by 2/3 thirds, Void Ritual bonus would be cut by half (as it was before this hotfix), but cost would go down to a manageable 22-point.

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Well it has ramped up with BFA and legion and a lot of deterministic systems have been sequestered to push this type of gambling activity into WoW.

That is no good.

Did the avoidant change not go through? Says its suppose to have 20% less corruption on it but I am still seeing 10 - 15 - 20 as the three ranks of it which is unchanged.

Reading or thoughts? Our thoughts amount to - it’s a piece of $%^& system, what the $%^& were you thinking?

Rank 3 is 16 now.