Corruption Effects Adjustments Incoming

I’ve never understood why Blizzard seems to understand less about how their gearing system works than third parties do. Or why they don’t just ask the theorycrafters to help them, since they can’t seem to get things right themselves.


Infinte Stars is a SIM monster and that is all. Its useless in 95% of content.

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ah ok, I was unaware that it wouldn’t proc on target dummies. Good thing I kept the piece then, guess I’ll use it to replace my now nerfed to all hell Echoing Void haha.

Has anyone tested EV in the past couple hours? My rank 3 (2% tooltip) appears to only be doing 1% of my max hp already even though they stated the nerf was being delayed.

It procs just fine on the Dungeoneer’s Training Dummy. Just be aware that dummy hits back.

I’ll be happy when twisted appendages are made immune to AoE damage. as it stands their 5k health pool does little to keep them alive in any raid encounter. virtually useless in most encounters that have any persistent raid damage.

It was already nerfed a week or two, I was doing 12k per proc on a rank 2 EV but now it’s only doing 8k. So I don’t think the % in the tooltip is accurate.

And it’s going to 4k now? Might as well just remove the whole affix.

It was doing double what it is now for me earlier today though.

I guess if they didn’t nerf it then it would only make sense if you lost half of your max health? Maybe you switched to havoc and the damage dropped?

For my cat the rank 2 EV is putting out 3.8k DPS. Putting out a little over 5k on my bear. I have seen some death knights where it’s putting out 13k+ DPS while tanking. I assume that’s a rank 3, but are we sure there’s not bug with this where it’s over producing in some situations?

Because halving it to 1.9k DPS on my cat for 35 corruption, there are trinkets that outperform that.

so Infinite Stars for ST is still fine?


How about actually read our thoughts bud, and just increase the ones that suck.

Nobody’s fault but yours (Not you specifically, but the company you represent.) that you added an effect to items that makes people deal considerable chunks of their own health pool as damage, or something that’s one of the hardest hitting single hits to begin with that also provides a buff to make it deal more damage with each application.

Did you guys just not at all bother to test anything at all? You think people WEREN’T starting this patch with nearly 400k health as DPS/Healers? or that Tank’s weren’t going to end up with 800k+ almost as soon as the patch came out?

Get it together. Your answer to titanforging was a deliberately untested system that made items 50 ilvl lower a literal damage increase to equip.

Make people over powered beyond all reason and then immediately turn around standing on your head going “We DiDnT ExPEcT ThIs tO DEaL ThAt MUcH DaMAgE!!!”

Stupid decisions all around, not a single person anywhere is surprised. Don’t you have a highly publicized end of expansion end raid tier end boss to change mechanically in the middle of the highly publicized end of expansion end raid tier world first race?

Edit: I don’t dislike you Bornakk, but as a company Blazzerd can and has done better in the past. And in fact at the start of November promised to do better. Doing better shouldn’t come with an asterisk that reads “Only attempting to do better about our public face, this message has zero impact on our products.”


Have you really been reading all the feedback? Hard to believe because the changes happening after reset are 1 of about 100 other far more glaring concerns with this entire system.

Where is the option to restore cleansed items after nerf?

Where is the compensation for the millions spent on BoE’s (bought by the people funding this dying game through wow tokens)?

Where is the balance changes to the other corruption effects so people don’t have to spend weeks or months (or possibly forever?) farming the new BiS corrupted effects that remain unchanged with no guarantee of ever finding them, or getting them on ilvl 415 blues that outclass ilvl 460+ pieces?

Where is any regard for the players time and feedback in the PTR before allowing such atrocities to go live in the first place?

There is so many simple solutions to these issues that a trained monkey could resolve most of this, delaying the inevitable by a week when people are lucky to find one corrupted effect in that time (with no guarantee that you don’t just find MORE ECHOING VOID PIECES). Delaying the change for people to find other gear is like saying “yes we know we are butchering this effect, but have some more time to find something less trash if you are lucky!”

This response is an utter joke and is the equivalent of sweeping the real issues under the rug and hoping people forget about it in 6 days when all the mess shoveled under there still comes spilling out.


There is a better way to balance these corruptions rather than a 50% nerf across the board. This will result in it being weaker/useless for most DPS now, decent for HP tanks (bears and DKs, potentially warriors with Shouts/Crys) and push non-HP tanks into the ground.

Instead of a 50% blanket nerf, why not cap the HP at which the % of HP converted to damage can pull from. Say, 550-650k. So tanks with 800k HP or Pushing 1mil HP don’t become OP, but it doesn’t make the essence trash for DPS with 400-450 k HP.

It’s the end of an expansion. Let us have some fun.


If you nerf twilight devastation I’ll most likely just wait until shadowlands. It’s already a pain to deal with the thing from beyond as melee.
It’s explosive hit box is too big. And I wish I could just quickly have to target it and kill it instead of running a mile away.

Even worse the corruption effects are too rare.
I ONLY have twilight devastation with 75 corruption being reduced by 30 atm with to make it 45.

A fun effect in the in a horrific vision is the forced jumping from lava. But it launched me into the thing from beyond and it took my health to like 10/15% then the mobs finished me off.

This makes me frustrated and I just get off. I wish I could grind heroics or something else to get into horrific visions. Is it too much to ask to be able to do 5 a day. Man I would play all the time and your game would have high engagement from me.

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This is so true. These corruption proc rates are pretty low yet the negative effects proc rates are pretty high.


The Hotfix was live, tooltips won’t update till they patch the tooltip.

Maybe they reversed it but I know yesterday afternoon my t3 EV was only doing approx 1% of my HP as damage.

I agree Corruption costs/negative values need adjusted to balance out nerfs to positive affixes, but I doubt that’s going to happen. The point of nerfing the positive affixes is to reduce their contribution to our damage output, and reducing the cost associated with them would simply allow us to stack more Corrupted gear to offset that. And - as I’ve mentioned in other threads - between various actions like giving us Corrupted bracers well in advance of when we obtain the cloak, and mobs giving us stacking debuffs that increase our Corruption, Blizzard has gone out of their way to make us deal with the negative impact of Corrupted gear. It’s the punishing aspects of it the devs seem to think is fun, not the rewarding ones.

Here’s how I feel corruption should’ve gone down.

Ranks should have been their own progression path. Something like wakening essences and a vendor for upgrade tokens or just mementos and Wrathion. Whatever. That still leaves a lot of variability/ RNG for obtaining rank 1 corruptions. Allowing some targeting of specific corruptions would have been neat - some kind of buff that boosts your chances for corruptions from a certain class / bucket. Make it a contract, make it a weekly world buff - whatever.

Now people can work towards something besides pulling a slot machine lever when they login. And ranks as progression - I gotta ask, guys - why did you even put ranks into the system absent a progression system? I mean. Duh.

So there you go. Maybe not a perfect proposal, but it’s literally top of my head. It’s not too late guys. The wakening essences overhaul in 7.3 were laid atop the RNG system. You can do it with corruptions.

lvl3 EV only 60 corruption. lvl3 VR right now 66 corruption. Is it fair? Why nerf EV’s corruption lvl? The damage and all mighty of EV right now deserve 100 corruption.