Corruption, alts, and not doing cloak. Broken

If I understood the OP correctly, he just wants to send gear to his alts which happen to be corrupted and can’t cleanse them properly without having to unlock the cloak with said alts. Imagine you have 5-10 alts. That’s quite an issue.


It is. But at the end of the day, as long as the quest chain in (most of it really is doing the Uldum/Vale assaults more than the actual quest chain/scenarios themselves), even unlocking the base cloak and not upgrading it essentially gives you a Mythic level cloak for an hour or twos questing.

Which is well worth the time investment.

If you care about the characters enough to get them corrupted gear, it’s not that much more effort to get them a cloak.


I’ll have todo it sooner than i wanted but oh well. What really chaps is that if WF/TF was still the system this would have been a pretty nice ilevel upgrade, immediately usable, aand there wouldn’t be any reason for me to REMOVE THE UPGRADE I WAS LUCKY TO GET. What a wonderful system. :speak_no_evil::see_no_evil::hear_no_evil:


I have 12 chars, cloak already on rank 4 with 8, getting it for the last 4 before next reset. It takes 3 hours per char.

Even if it could be shortened, there’s really almost no excuse for not doing it.


This is what the Old Gods want… you’re just falling to their will…

The end of days are upon us…


And if the alt is just a alts and does not raid, does not pvp does not NEED the damn cloak or the idiotic corrupted gear. WE are SoL? I can’t wear upgrades I get without being punished? I can’t do worlds quests anymore because what the point in going for upgrades from the content i want to do without having to do the content that raiders need.

Everyone always asks, why do you need that gear if you’re not doing the content that its need for. So now I’m forced to do the content I don’t need to be able to do the content I want. I don’t need the damn cloak of my 10th alt to do world quest, I don’t need the freaking corrupted gear to do world quest. But I have to do the cloak so the upgrades I get are good for me? Prue Bullcrap.


I think you can cc them too.

Why do I need the cloak to do world quests? Why do I have to do the quest line for the 10th time to be able to wear upgrades from world quests? Put corrupted gear in raids for the people that Need IT. I DON’T FREAKING NEED IT OR WANT IT to do world quests.


Then you gotta deal with it /shrug.

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I actually have to agree here . . . I don’t understand why folks who aren’t raiding, doing mythic+, or PvP are being forced into the cloak system.

Reading this thread makes me even less likely to play any alts, and I was already abandoning too many toons thanks to the essence system.

It’s like Blizzard wants me play considerably less WoW.


A one time quest? I did it once on my warlock. Now I have to do it on my Alliance Warrior, Paladin Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Shaman, Mage Monk , Demon Hunter, and Deathkinght. Then I have to do it on my Horde. A one time quest? Where is this ONE time quest I am able to do to be able to do world quest and questing and be able to wear my up grades?


Yes it is poor design IMO but Blizz wants to funnel as many people to test out the shadowlands …I mean patch 8.3 feature as much as possible.


It doesn’t even take that long. Pretty much all you have to do is the assaults and the actual scenario where you go into bwd. Most people seem to fail to realize that the assaults are super fast if you just do the world quests in the zone. I’ve gotten it on 5 characters now, gearing up through world quests for the rest as you really wanna be about 415 or so for it to go smooth.

My last run through took about an hour and a half including the massive amount of travel time. On a 410 shadow priest. A SHADOW PRIEST.

They are also extremely boring, and I barely have the desire to do them on my main. Much, much less on my army of alts!

My life’s busy. I do play most nights, but I’d really rather be off running mythic+. The two toons I’m currently playing (I’d really rather it be four, but my Horde mains are going to have to sit 8.3 out for now) have too much to do as is: WQs, island grind, consumable farming, invasions, lesser HVs, main HVs, RIO score building . . . it takes a lot of time. I can’t maintain it all on four toons atm.


This has been the most alt friendly patch all expansion. If you’re trying to do all that you listed, you’re maintaining multiple mains, not alts. And to be fair, this patch has been multi “main” friendly too.

Currently, I have 1 of every class plus 2 dks and 2 dhs, all at least 400, with my druid main (441) and I have a dh and a monk that I play like mains (around 430). Currently, my daily routine is as follows; do major assault if up (once a week), do minor assault if up (twice a week), do emissary quests if the reward is worth it (usually about twice a week), do 2 vessels a week. I average about 2 hours a week per character doing world content, with some days being as low as 15 minutes or as high as an hour like this Tuesday when we had major and minor assaults. I could spread my time a little more where I only spent an hour or even less a day doing everything but I have the time to give. I fully understand that some don’t. But that’s the most lax of a “daily chore” list I’ve seen us have in a long time, and if you miss a day or even a week it’s really not that punishing.

If you think it’s boring, that’s fine to. You don’t need the legendary cloak for m+ or pvp. The end of dungeon cache still gives upgrades to what you have (which is unfortunate if you ask me). It’s still going to be bis for everyone as it’s highly encouraged to get so I’d still encourage you to get it, even if you only spend 10 minutes a day doing a little bitty bit at a time.


I believe we have different definitions of what constitutes an “alt,” so I’m going to let this one slide. I like maintaining two characters per side at max, an rdruid main that does high keys, and an hpal alt that does roughly +10s - 13s.

I don’t see how this is the . . .

. . . when we’re not only grinding neck levels, but cloak levels. The gear systems are so ridiculously bloated at the moment, it’s sad.

You do realize that Corrupted gear can drop out of our mythic+ caches, right? Not sure about the PvP scene, I’m only into casual Arenas.

I’d scratch my eyes out if I had to do this many dailies.


You don’t even need the cloak really. You can simply do first Assault that gives you tutorial bracers and unlock Titan Purification and be done.


That was my point, it’s really not all that much when you’re comparing it to 8.2. Neck levels are arbitrary. You’ll get that naturally. I haven’t felt like I needed to grind my neck since 8.1. And yes, I understand that corrupted gear comes in the caches and has a chance to drop. I also said it was encouraged to get your cloak, but if you really didnt want to than it was on you. You’ll have about 3/4 the loot drops. I’m trying to be encouraging because this is really not as bad as people are making it out to be. Maybe it’s because I completely skipped out on the casual-fest expansions that was wod and legion. /shrug

I don’t believe you can get the mementos to cleanse the stupid corrupted gear unless you finish the questline. Again Why do I need to do the cloak on character that don’t need it for anything just to be able to wear up grades i get?


nope they are forcing you to do the quest line.

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