Corrupting a Cleansed Item with a Preserved Contaminant

If we opened our chest this morning, can we cleanse the item and corrupt it?

i bought one and cant do anything with it :slightly_smiling_face:

Resources spent to BfA is resources that could been on Shadowlands

They didn’t just created this in one day, it was planned weeks before today And didn’t get announced till now

Should had just left BfA alone and people can just not do 8.3 like they claim they would do here

So now whatever that could be gutted because not enough time is thanks to General Discussion

Yes you can

I’d rather the content we have for the next 6 months be good.

This shouldn’t be a negotiation.
They’re a multi-billion dollar company, WoW is a multi-million dollar game.
We deserve and should expect decent systems for both BFA and Shadowlands.

I don’t see why you think it’s acceptable for them to pump out poorly designed systems just because it might be better in a years time anyway.

Yeah, I know.
Which is whats sad about it, because it feels like they only put a days thought into it.


Thanks man, this is massively helpful. I wish I could upvote more.

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Please please don’t let it be permanent.

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Maybe they should have had another patch and put it all on the PTR to test. It feels like right now we are receiving bits and pieces of what would have been patch content.

Yeah this means nothing.

The base system is broken and stupid.

How can you take what should have been a simple solution of:

  1. New Currency or reset old currency

  2. Have all corruptions available or ATLEAST have more than 6 up at a time RANDOMLY out of a pool of ~50

But no, you had to apply that “Blizzard” touch, which used to be associated with good things but now means to innovate and iterate where it 100% WAS NOT NEEDED.


gotta apply that design overengineering to every single update to the game :slightly_smiling_face:

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Can you also please release a list of future available corruptions and WHEN they will be available so that we can make informed decisions and have more agency?

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Seriously. :rage:

On my main all my slots that could corrupt are stuff I got from Mythic + or 5 Mask so this really takes the wind out of these sails telling people who already have high item level gear you can’t use the system without getting new gear.


This is utter BS. Fix it and fix it fast. It’s not acceptable that all previous m+ 475 gear that got cleansed, and all mythic raid gear that got cleansed, is going to be inferior to some trashy 465 that we can actually corrupt.

You should not have put out an update that has disadvantaged those who worked for gear previously.

It should’ve been announced, so people could save echoes, until the problems were fixed.

People should have had more warning than 16hrs on alts about the echoes changes. I know several people who are SPEWING because they were 50-100 echoes off buying a rank 3 essence they really wanted.


But…if you can add a really useful corruption to that 465 gear that makes you more powerful, isn’t that a good thing?

The way things have been during this Corruption phase of BfA is that having a lower level item with a higher level of a great corruption makes that the piece of gear you keep. Yes, ideally having both is good, but I’d be interested to see what effect a relatively slight increase of item level has compared to a good corruption effect.

However, I will agree with you that an earlier notification of this change would have been a lot better for everyone. I had a couple of higher level pieces I cleansed that I would have kept in the bank if I’d known. I don’t really see why they can’t just tell us about these things.

No as you should have the 475 you have with that great corruption not having to downgrade item level to use the system.

If you weren’t a mythic raider all your gear 470 or above default had a corruption, that was often crap or would make you have to deal with too much corruption, unless it was from the first few weeks.

How is it a good system when it forces people to DOWNGRADE their gear to then be able to corrupt it?

You will be overall more powerful, yes. Will it feel good? Hell no.

They need to think this crap through before they do it, holy crap if they just ever said, “hey guys…we’ve got an idea…” we could tell them about the stupid parts of it.


Is that not the desired effect of any gear?

Look, this is my being a bit of a Devils Advocate. As I said, it would have been better for the players if we’d known in advance so we could have planned for it. I’m just working off my own person view that I’ve kept lower level items with excellent corruption effects rather than use the higher ‘blank’ items I currently had.

PS: and thats another unintended effect of this - I disenchanted/scrapped a bunch of blank high level gear that I could now corrupt. So that’s a bit sad too.

Are you seriously suggesting this:

Farm 465 gear to replace your 475+ gear. Farm echoes to corrupt that gear. Then in future weeks you get that 475+ piece again and cleanse it. Then you farm more echoes to corrupt THE PIECE OF GEAR YOU ALREADY HAD.

You’re suggesting that = good? Just stop.


Ok, I’ll stop. You are starting to get a bit ranty because I am raising points that I feel are interesting and because I’m not absolutely agreeing with you. I have said a number of times that they could have done this change better. I think I need coffee and a bit of smashing things to relieve my angst.

Have a good one.

Thank you for exiting before you look any stupider.