Why have an MMO built around MOBA styled movement? It works for Diablo because its a dungeon crawler, but this feels like a Heroes of the Storm version of… I don’t know, the game seems so incredibly lackluster to sit through a session of gameplay.
Back atcha!! Cheers!
A top down game with what looks like a Diablo style combat system and interface likely wont impact WoW.
I wouldn’t even compare these two as the same genre of game personally.
Beat me to it.
I’m a huge diablo fan and a fan of ARPG’s in general - so I was a bit surprised to hear that people ABHOR click-to-move games. If this is as click-to-move as it looks, people will not play it.
Lineage 2 was fun in its day.
I never understood what makes ppl sign into the WoW forums to profess their hatred of the game.
Then again I don’t understand these prolific posters who are like ‘maybe I’ll resub’.
That’s like going to an NBA game and hanging out in the parking lot all night to talk to other ppl about basketball.
no single game is going to kill wow.
the only way to kill wow is for activision/blizzard to straight up kill it themselves.
that said, look at ashes of creation, now that looks like a good game (until the community implodes on itself a few months after launch and it becomes unplayable)
Realistically the only one that in fact labeled himself as a wow killer was Rift.
The desperate need for attention and validation.
You are likely correct but wouldn’t they get that more if they logged into the FFXIV forums instead to bash WoW?
No, they actually moderate those forums.
Literally never heard of this game until just now, so I’m going to say no.
Open world PvP mixed with dungeons/raids sounds like a hot mess.
no. the only game that will kill wow is wow, and that’s being played out right now.
Wow is killing itself, no other game has the capacity to destroy itself like wow has shown us. It is kind of like most of the characters in Wow, they are like Batman. They either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.
Maybe all the ripcord people can go play it and let us wow people know.
This looks to be around Diablo’s alley or POS, I mean POE. For real though, the style looks cool I guess but doubt it’d dent WoW’s numbers if at all, considering the gameplay is vastly different.
I’m going to pass up on this one. PVP is fun when it’s when you want it, otherwise it can be a source of frustration. I like it when I can prescribe to PVP servers rather than have them prescribe to me. They’re really leaning on the whole “Fog of War + MMO is revolutionary!” angle too.
“It helps promote surprises!”
That’s like saying OSRS is revolutionary because of its low rendering distance. Like, cool, your game is more like an MMO MOBA and you brought a MOBA feature over, but it sounds more like an inconvenience when paired up with other MMO features.
Also, Gender-locked classes. The last time I saw something like that, it was with Tera, and they shifted hard into an aesthetic direction that resulted in a hard YIKES from me. No thanks.
No players labeled Guild Wars 2, SWTOR, AION, Wildstar and many, many others with that label.
Yeah, but Rift had commercials that said “You’re not in Azeroth anymore!”