Core Race Pages updated - sigh



The undead are waiting for Sylvanas to come back to lead them.


Playable goblins ie the Bilgewater are not and cannot be framed as wanting world domination like what

That’s what the venture co want


Has Venture Co. been about world domination? I honestly can’t remember since it’s been so long since I’ve done their quests. Thought they were all about resource exploitation.


In fairness, since it mentions crash-landing on Azeroth, this part is probably referencing the draenei in the Alliance fleeing Outland aboard the Exodar. The description doesn’t really seem to bother mentioning that Outland’s not where they’re originally from; it’s only mentioning where they came from to get to Azeroth.

The rest of it, though…I mean, just the flow of the sentence “In the wake of the Legion’s defeat, the draenei now seek a new destiny in the blessed Light.” Feels clunky, like “in the blessed Light” is tacked on just to mention the Light when it wasn’t really even needed, since the point being made is them seeking a new destiny now that fighting the Legion doesn’t have to be such a focus of their cultural identity any more.

Even “with the Light’s blessings” or something would have made more sense. “In the blessed Light” just feels really poorly worded.

Especially since…how is the Light blessed? Wouldn’t it be the source of their blessings? Who’s blessing the Light? What does the Light need to be blessed for? It’s just the Light, being the Light.


I meant that it was still Draenor when they left? Was it not?

Nope. Remember, they fled to Azeroth by stealing the Exodar back from Kael’thas’ followers, who’d stolen it from the Sha’tar naaru. A’dal’s naaru came to Outland in answer to Khadgar’s call when the Legion started amassing there again, and Khadgar had been in Outland with the rest of the Alliance Expedition survivors since Draenor’s shattering at the end of Beyond the Dark Portal.

The draenei had been in hiding - possibly in multiple places, but especially in Zangarmarsh - since the fall of Shattrath to the old Horde. So they remained during the events of BtDP, through the planet’s shattering and through Illidan’s arrival and conquest of much of Outland. They basically came out of hiding shortly before TBC to strike at Kael’thas’ forces in Netherstorm and reclaim Tempest Keep for the naaru, though they only succeeded in taking the Exodar portion.


I thought the Light Crusade thread was locked because someone on the forums flagged it. Do you think Blizz might possibly have locked it to try and stifle criticism of that story arc?

I share Baal’s concern that the Draenei are going to cop the narrative fallout. It’s already begun with the villain-batting of Yrel and her AU group.

I can relate.


Oh, I was totally wrong. My bad.

Sad that near every race is utterly without goals beyond serving the great red or blue banner they fall under.

Game needs another revamp so the individual races can have goals they’re striving towards that aren’t just “serve Anduin” or “serve Warchief #47”, but it won’t happen.


It was most likely locked to due to how wildly off-topic it had gotten. The original post was never against the rules.

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Perhaps. But look at these comments relating to the Draenei.

As I said, I share Baal’s concern that the Draenei are going to cop the narrative fallout. It’s already begun with the villain-batting of Yrel and her AU group.

I tried to warn people it was a bad idea. The poorly written core race pages are a harbinger.

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As much as we disagree Thad, at least we both agree that turning the Draenei into blind and borderline evil light worshippers is a really terrible idea :smiley:


To be fair the horde is dead in everything but name form this point on. The future is nothing but a blue warchief with a few horde flavoured yes men at best in the alley.


the gnomes one was honestly the best. It portrayed them as accurately as possible. especially geblin.


Is he still in an ice box?

Excpet, like the OP says, almost none of the Horde race descriptions mention the Horde at all.

They really are going to do a Light crusade, are they?

I don’t really see the issue with Light Crusade utilizing the Lightbound and perhaps the remains of the Scarlet Crusade.

Can someone enlighten me on why people are against it?


Centaur are part of the horde now? And there are different kinds of horse races?

It is mostly Thadeus who is against it

I think he is the only one against it tbh.

The issue others have is that blizzard is going to villain bat more than just the Lightbound and the Scarlets.

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