I wish I kept my books but I honestly have no idea what happened to them Now I want to re-read them as well. I found a free book library site with all of them a few years ago.
Free copies are out there somewhere.
I wish I kept my books but I honestly have no idea what happened to them Now I want to re-read them as well. I found a free book library site with all of them a few years ago.
Free copies are out there somewhere.
Star Wars is life for me. It’s one of the few joys my introverted rear can enjoy in peace and quiet. (And yes I love the Sequel Trilogy)
The Thrawn trilogy is being sold again in some bookshops. New Jedi Order books, though… hard to find.
Blizzard should hire Timothy Zahn to do some lore for them, or write some WoW books.
He wrote the new Thrawn trilogy of books for disney
I know, but I meant the original Thrawn trilogy. And I think Blizzard should hire him to write for them.
Ah okies. And yeah, I agree, he’s a fantastic writer and who’s really good at getting you inside a characters mind
They have Christie Golden spearheading a lot of WoW projects, and she’s written Star Wars novels too, so Zahn would be a boon for Blizzard.
I have a few of her SW novels and I enjoy reading them on occasion
Which SW novels of hers?
Fate of the Jedi trilogy and Dark Disciple
Have read some of the books from the first (want some Cthulhu with your Star Wars?), but not the second.
That would be amazing.
So, on topic, Wowhead just made their article on this issue, but didn’t mention the Goblin page.
Part of me hopes that Lars Mikkelson is the one to play the live-action Thrawn. He was so good as Thrawn in Rebels I can’t picture anyone else as him.
My brother worked on Book of Bobba Fett. Every time a new episode drops he always pauses it during the credits to see his name.
The faction descriptions are… something.
So the Horde is all about freedom and hope if only that mean ol’ Alliance would stop stifling them? Uh, ok.
That’s so awesome! Tell him I appreciate his work!
I thought the Horde was about killing as many people as they could that were different than them. Huh… odd.
They used to be…
Literally half a dozen people here have told you what their importance is to the Alliance but you just keep doing EXACTLY what I said you do. As I said, if you managed to read my whole post, I personally don’t think we should have gotten allied races at all, that their options should have been just customizations for the core races. My issue was the blatantly wrong view that they have not been an important part of the Alliance.
As for this:
If you could perhaps point out where I said such? I think your wires might be getting crossed. Though currently the Tauren DO hold more land than the Night Elves, unless you think Darkshore is bigger than Mulgore, the Barrens, Thousand Needles, a chunk of Feralas, a chunk of Stonetalon, and most of Desolace.
I can’t remember if this was in a short story or stated by a dev, but the lore reason for the regular draenei being absent is that the Argus campaign basically ruined them. It was so costly that they’re no longer capable of taking part in military campaigns. Velen can still show up for meetings with Anduin, and individual draenei can still volunteer on their own (thus draenei PC’s adventuring) but the faction itself is more or less confined to Azuremyst for the foreseeable future.