Core hound abilities

New core hound isnt great but is awesome anyways. Just wish it had a movement ability it could use for open world content. Dash doesn’t feel appropriate but charge would be a nice addition.


what does he even do?

Breathes fire on you for a 700 fire damage cleave.

We’re not playing the same SoD lol

Hunter sims have it worse than serpents and cats

Currently he can learn growl, bite, and his default known is a wind serpent-esque flame breath that increases casting speed. But no one even casts in PvP since runes are insane.

Sims are typically on ST.
All pets come at opportunity cost of some other utility or damage.
Core hounds get a cleave. Of course they won’t be BIS ST Damage.


Yeah its not great for PvE but looks awesome lol. Hes just a slow chonky boy that could use another ability.

A pet that has a cleave by default doesn’t need more spells. It’s 100% fine as it is. It’ll be great to have stabled for dungeons, it doesn’t need to be BIS in all scenarios, especially just cause it’s new.

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I wasn’t even referring to that I’m saying they’re modifiers lower than the other two pets.

All pets have a damage modifier

Lol whose getting it before dungeon grinding? By the time you have access to it, quest is available at 45 trinket use available at 50, youre not even running dungeons anymore.

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Not cleave

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I am using it right now.

This sounds like some core hound copium

Then yours is bugged or you are misreading it.

It is supposed to be single target based on wowhead and hunter discord lists it single target. Sooo.

“Its bugged because my favorite streamer says so.”

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Im looking at wowhead and the hunter discord for this information. I do not watch streamers with any regularity.

WTB Rune of Turning Your Pet Boar Into a Rhino PST

I want a boomkin pet.

Can you be my pet?

Something outside of the live client.

More than one reference for the information