Copying meta doesnt make you good or skilled

Do we need to like bump all of Ralph’s post to the top so some mod can put together this is all just spam that triggers the whole forums?


But that makes playing the meta more important.

If a Feral sims for 100k, and a BM Hunter sims for 120k, a garbage BM Hunter is going to be competitive with the best Ferals in the world.

If you’re not playing with Fragrance, why on earth would you ever invite a Feral over a BM Hunter?


This would be guilt-tripping those who don’t understand or appreciate “hard mode” stuff. Any fool can copy the meta, but a true expert would make the non-meta competitive. So I agree that copying the meta doesn’t make you good or skilled. What more do you do than the vast majority of others?

Good or skilled usually means you’re a cut above. That’s not easy to do when you perform just as well as mostly everyone else.

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My point exactly, yet multiple times we see people repeatedly clearly imply that copying the meta=skilled, and not copying meta=unskilled.

And that is a clear misconception that needs to be fixed.

And considering how fast my OP got repoted, I feel pretty certain I touched a nerve.


I read icy veins so I fully understand how to best contribute to my team. To me that’s just common courtesy. This isn’t a pen and paper game where you can just go full creative if the DM allows it, there are rules and protocols, if you do not follow them you are consigned to mediocrity. I don’t even like meters and epeening, but I want to make sure I’m doing my best even if no one’s paying attention.


which is what i just said. did you read what i said?

that’s not what that says at all. the difference might involve a different mechanical skill gap but not always. but there is clearly an information gathering skill gap between the two players in my example.

this is apples to oranges. you can say one class sims well but another class usually has more skill for less dps but that’s a fallacy that’s present because of poor balance by blizzard. that in no way shows there is a skill gap between the bm hunter and the feral druid. the two players could very well be equal in mechanical skill and one class simply out performs the other.

this proves nothing.

i won’t deny that but even passive talents sometimes involve a higher skill cap. if you take a talent like one with the pack, you don’t have to do anything to get the benefit. BUT you do have to properly manage when you weave in your barbed shots so you don’t lose frenzy. if you don’t manage it right, you will lose charges that proc from the passive because of a lower skill.

yes, there are. i’m one of them actually. i don’t like playing marksman or survival and haven’t since legion launched. which means while i inherently limit myself in one way, i look for ways to close that distance and still perform close to my peak power. while that does mean i’m not copying the meta to a t, i am still looking at a tier 2 or 3 power level meta to find ways to get what i can out of my spec.

never said anything like that. you should really stop putting words in peoples mouths. if someone wants to ignore the meta, that’s fine. but it’s the other players choice to play with someone who is willing to worsen themself for fun. with my attitude, i could join my guilds mythic team (they actually try to get me to join but i just don’t find the extreme challenge of mythic fun) but not a world first guild because of my choices.

notice how i can play to a high end-game level and still have fun. fun and playing the meta are not mutually exclusive. if you want to have fun, it means you need to put in a bit more effort to warrant your fun to other people.


There’s always a contingent of players who will play a gimp spec. They’ll play it out of pride, they’ll play it to show off. They’ll play it just because they like it.

So what. Maybe they suck at playing those gimp builds too. Skill level is completely different from meta, but a skilled player will choose the best build simply because it makes sense to do so. So will everyone else

Even the best BM hunters on Proudmoore can’t beat the best feral druids in the world. A garbage BM is going to be doing 50k while a feral can do 3x that.

Could not have said it better. Not going meta, and I play around with it too I’m no hardliner, is the difference between picking up a grenade or saying that’s for weebs and picking up a firecracker.

You (OP) may think you look cool with that top secret build you brewed yourself, but you’re actually burdening your team with your antics. Because on the internet there’s always groups of people with more time to figure that stuff out than most will ever have. Learn from them.

Solo, absolutely go nuts with your bad self, if it takes you twice as long to kill a mob that’s your time and spend it how you like.


You seem to have a very serious disconnect with what the community actually thinks. Tear down your strawman arguments and try again.


OP is technically correct, but:

  1. A good player is more likely to follow the meta than a bad one.

  2. If two players are equally skilled the one that conforms to the meta will do more damage than the one that doesn’t.


No, what makes a good player is being to figure out metas and play them to their highest capacity. To be a WF player, you can’t “just” be very skilled, you need to be able to figure out/come up with things others can’t faster than them not just for fights but for preparation, and that requires a very high level of knowledge of the game and creativity.

This is a jab at the players who scream “you aren’t playing meta, gtfo noob”. This is a jab at players who use meta to treat others like crap.


maybe we just have different definitions of good players but i would label people who make the meta as great players. they are clearly a tier above just regular mythic raiders.

Copying the meta makes you good if you’re able to do as much damage as the players that make the meta specs meta.

This is a horrifically ignorant take, Ralph. And knowing your… usual… posts, that’s saying something.

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This isn’t even the player bases fault

If blizzards class design team made classes deeper then we could have like 3 different meta builds for half the specs in game

We currently have classes that have 1 meta spec and their other specs are just dud

Like shadow priests didn’t do meta damage back in the day but the mana battery thing was awesome


Fire mages + Hive Mind = Case Closed.

The game is built to favor classes over others in certain areas, except for Spriests which are screwed no matter what they do.

so checking logs, and raiderino

in your post you make many assumptions about how people utilize guides, I want whatever data you based that on

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Was Disc Priest the meta, like RMP?

Ralph just wants to keep attacking the people who want covenants to be cosmetic choices. He hates the idea that people might be able to choose a covenant based on what they like instead of checking out sites like icy-veins.