Copy character to classic era

So I just found out that you can no longer copy characters from wow classic (that exsisted before burning crusade classic released) to classic era. Is there anything that can be done in order to get that character to classic era?

No theres no way to do it and gms are unable to help.


As Darth said, no. That was only a service offered back before TBCC was released, and there was given ample time for people to take advantage of the service while it was available. There was also advanced warning given before the service was discontinued on July 26th, 2022.

Since then, there has been no other such service, nor word of any. If you’d like to make a suggestion of such a thing being made available, you can make that suggestion in the WoW Classic General Discussion.


:thinking: when people make duplicate threads in a different region


Is this about characters you were playing as since Classic launched in 2019 and want to play in Classic 20th Anniversary Edition?