Coordinated Assault winks out when 2H is swapped

Bug, glitch, or working as intended?

After I turn on the ability, switching to a ranged weapon cancels it, literally as if by right-clicking it. Edit: After the gapclosing effect, not before. Because when I reswap back to a melee weapon, it doesn’t come back for the rest of the duration I left behind. I don’t think it’s supposed to work this way…

Otherwise, swapping works fine when it’s time to cast Kill Shot under Sic’ Em, and then back to ranged weapon to do Arcs or Steadies(preferably Arcs).

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Survival is supposed to be swapping out thier 2H to a bow and then back again? I’m legitimately asking, I had no idea lol.

You can do equip-cast macros.

/cast [Arcane Shot, Steady Shot]

/cast [Coordinated Assault, Kill Shot, Raptor Strike, Mongoose Bite, Butchery, Harpoon, etc.]

It does run a GCD each time you swap(not quite unlike Stances), but it works fine during combat. I just didn’t expect Coord to just cancel out. I’m like, “Duh, I just want the damage bonus and the Tips!”

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Interesting! is there any benefit to doing this? More dps?

It’s weaving back out to range to conserve/max out DPS. I wish I wasn’t making this up, but the power CD just nopes.avi out.

I was hoping that we’d be weavers, to switch between melee and ranged fluidly at will. I don’t want to be stuck with melee for 20 sec during Coord if I don’t want to. I could be under a lot of CC during the window and I may have to back out and stay at ranged…


No. You shouldn’t do it ever for any competitive content.

If you want to meme, by all means go for it. Otherwise doing the swap is a loss altogether.

edit: oh and also because blizz literally said it’s not something we should be doing.

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so we are saying…we should make arcane shot work with 2H weapons and toss out Aspect of Eagle and the add a passive skill that lets Arcane shot reduce the CD of KC so if we need to kite we can KC bombs and Arcane shot Explosive shot at range till we healed up then charge back in with burst of melee dps

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Failboat. I’m out…again.

Well, I’m not sure I’d be spending my time memeing. There’re other options to do WoW anyway.

I might have not created this thread if I could even now locate the Blue post.

Blizz won’t even let us have that. I would have been fine with this arrangement too.

So basically, we can’t do EVERYTHING with a 2Her, to include Arcs and Steadies, and at the same time, during our most important CD, we can’t even have a ranged weapon EQUIPPED.

Damn, Blizzard thought of everything to screw this all up.

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They did. They even included a statement in game stating that it’s a 2h required spec, and purposefully put gcd’s in place to prevent swapping making sense.

It is a meme. Might be fun for you; but it’s more of a meme than the spec already is. lol

edit: also ranged weapon attacks have an intentional longer internal gcd as well to deter ranged weapons :slight_smile:

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some of us play more overly cautious now we lost serpent sting as a pull we are meme building even harder

Weapon swapping is awful gameplay but i’d def take some old SV to play around with! I’m not trying to sound doom and gloom but I want to make sure false information isn’t spread for anyone new to retail.

Playing cautious or not…weapon swapping is a loss. It can’t be overstated. It’s a wpvp niche basically, and maybe bg’s where anything goes and nothing matters.

I had my fill of Cata SV. It’s not something I’d want to come back to either.

So basically the Coord canceling is also purely intentional after swapping to a ranged weapon…

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Whether it is or not it doesn’t matter. At all.

You aren’t meant to play with a ranged weapon period. The ranged spells in your spellbook are an oversight from spec homog within classes that didn’t apply in a few way to survival because of the difference in weapons.

A summer intern could have just…deleted the abilities not really used?

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Agreed. But it’s also why blizz put preferred weapon on the specialization page. It’s also why they put a gcd in place as well as an internal gcd.

They’ve done everything outside of deleting those abilities to tell players it’s not a ranged spec ever…even confirming it was melee only.

Wrath and mists but mostly mists was my favorite hybrid playstyle id harpoon in do my burst rotation then leap back and start doing my dots then KC and arcane shot them down when there like 35% hp id leap back in with the Burst rotation… i mean our playstyle is kinda still that but stricter windows on how well we can do that just because Aspect of Eagle has replaced arcane shot in utility people can argue that its better or worse this way but a 1 min CD and 10sec window vs lower damage but on demand at any time.

Here I thought RSV had won.

This is just stupid now. Thank goodness we have Classic Cata and SoD though. Unless Microsoft REALLY scrubs this class clean, there’s just no hope.


Did you like Mist Survival hunter i think that version is closest to our current version we are going have in TWW only difference is aspect of eagle replaces arcane shot completely and we have different abilities that fill similar roles as back then but playstyle is almost there.

Bring Arcane shot to 2H Survival gameplay Bliz!

In Mists we’ll have BArrow. We’ll also have access to Dire Beast, AMoC, Blink Strikes, Lynx Rush, Glaive Toss, Powershot, and Barrage. Also, we get 2 charges of Deterrence, with an option of either 50% damage reduction or 100% spell reflect, and a long Disengage we can still use every SIXTEEN sec.

Yeah, even I wouldn’t be surprised to see SV MAINS JUMPING SHIP for this.

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