Coordinated Assault winks out when 2H is swapped

Crows and power shot on a dotted target that cant get away then KC and Mongoose bite them down it felt so good i havent made another player pop dead like that in ages.

the giga chad version of survival of the fittest

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Real talk, this is the competition for our TIME and EFFORT. As much as I loved WFB(and by the way, that could be a Rune coming soon™ in SoD), just look at what we’ll get for SV in the past…

This is the salient point: what is current Retail doing about this? It’s almost as if current Retail WANTS ME to go back to the past yet again.

With a choice to either do 50% damage reduction(way better than TWW’s 30) or full spell reflect + 30% damage reduction that only takes one glyph slot…

Granted, we won’t have Turtle, but this was our Turtle. We just won’t have SotF + Turtle, but you can do the math…

Three charges of 30% damage reduction and one that can deflect everything, or two charges of 30% damage reduction that can deflect all nonmagical attacks and can evolve to shave off up to 50% indirect damage taken or 100% spell reflection.

Edit: I should add that this is what EVERY SPEC GETS too, because of the glyphs. MMs and BMs can get the same awesomo Mists-Warlords Deterrence and Disengage systems too. Readiness was a Marks exclusive, Mirrored Blades was an SV exclusive.

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i’m a big fan of WFB and Explosive shot burst but not so crazy for Butchery being only way to reduce cooldown besides haste i wish we had Arcane shots that reduce WFB CD that way i can use it as filler and Explosive shot WFB WFB Arcane shot KC alternate till CD reset and repeat then coordinated assault in and mongoose bite them down then blow them up with like 3 explosive shots and 2 kill shots.

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We came close to a certain tier set bonus in DF that gave 1 sec of CDR on WFB for every 30(I checked WoWHead and it read 25) Focus spent. Since Arcshot uses 40 Focus, it can do in 3 what Raptors and Mongooses can do in 4. That was the closest we got to a viable RSV system.

Because WFB was the star damage dealer, that would have put RSV ahead of MSV except in M+ dungeon slice where you could just do carves/butcheries.

That’s all in the past now, and not the past I’d want to come back to. Pardon me if I would just skip Classic Dragonflight…