My Felguard has been a fantastic employee and I want to snag him a cool 2-hander for when he is working his shift.
What, in your opinion, is the biggest, scariest, silliest, awesomest 2-hander I can acquire, so he can slay in style?
My Felguard has been a fantastic employee and I want to snag him a cool 2-hander for when he is working his shift.
What, in your opinion, is the biggest, scariest, silliest, awesomest 2-hander I can acquire, so he can slay in style?
I like the green Calamity’s Edge from Mythic Archimonde.
I have mine use the Sulfuras drop from heroic Ragnaros in Firelands.
Mine use the original Cataclysm’s Edge from the old Archimonde in Mount Hyjal raid!
Other weapon I sometimes use:
It’s also possible to make the Legendary Hand of Ragnaros from Molten Core even if you can’t equip it! I got my priest the Legendary Hand of Ragnaros a long time ago because I got the Eye of Ragnaros when I was soloing it for trasmog and didn’t know what to do with it
Bump, what else you guys got?
My wrathguard picked through my bag and selected a Draconium Enchanting Rod. Which happens to look like a long, bejeweled…well you get the idea.
I’m assuming its a scare tactic, either because of its appearance or the threat of being disenchanted like Varian.
Mine uses a 2 handed shovel
Hell yes, you folks are giving me a shopping list!!
The 2400 weapons this season look good.
My Felguard is wearing the Axe.
He usually rocks Dark edge of Insanity.
Plundered Blade of Northeren Kings. Its a giant slab of black iron, something straight oughta dark souls.
Hellreaver, the only weapon that doesn’t look absurdly small on a wrathguard & big & sick on a felguard.
Apolyon, the Soul-Render. Looted from Kil’Jaeden in Sunwell Plateau.
Jaithys Dual-Wield
My favorite is the pit lord glaive from Mannoroth in WoD’s hellfire citadel.
There are a crap ton of two handed swords, maces, and polearms in WoD Hellfire Citadel and it’s easily soloable.
There is a weapon that is a 100% perfect match with the Felguard
However I don’t know if any Warlock has ever managed to get it as it is a super rare drop from Legion Assaults and it only drops for melee classes. So you have to do the Assault with a DK/Pal/War, hope for the weapon to drop and then trade it.
not obtainable as a warlock, according to wowhead comments.
I’ve seen contradictory reports about the subject.
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If someone that the sword can drop on, like a Warrior or DK, use a weapon that has a has a higher Ilevel then then 800 they can trade it to some one in the group, this does not work with Artifact weapons, so you have to go out of your way to get something like I know this works as I use the Mace on my Lock.
Some Warlocks have the Mace ( that comes from the same source and with the same loot restriction but has a slightly higher drop chance )
You can see in screenshot section a Felguard with the Mace.
oh yeah, i said it cant drop for warlocks, it can drop for a warrior and they can trade it to you of course.
I already said it only drops for melee you didn’t read the whole comment before replying.