I use Zin’rokh, the World Destroyer, it always looks cool!
Xu’tenash, The Black hand, Sulfuras, Gorehowl on rotation for those “historic” weapons
starshatter (H)
Voror (LFR)
Corrupted Aspirant’s greatsword
Crescent of living magma (mythic + mage tower set)
Btw if you use the talent Guillotine, the Felguard throws Hellrender (Mythic recolor) on the floor and that’s the weapon I gave him.
My felguard uses both the Arcanite Ripper and Sun Lute, alternates between.
Were they expensive? Sure.
Was it worth it? Yeah.
Felguard is rocking a Drake talon Cleaver. Matches in brutality and color, not to mention it’s perfect for the dragon theme we got goin on in DF
Mine rocks either the 2H TBC (gladiator gear) sword or axe, both can be bought for marks of honor. They are probably the easiest really awesome looking weapons to get started with just have to get to area 52.
Jailer 2H mace.
Currently I’m using the dragon bane lance for my felguard. Looks pretty cool seeing him wield a massive spear