Coolest dark iron dwarf? - Warrior, Warlock, or Shaman

I want to make a dark iron, but stuck at the selection screen.

I really like the whole “dark iron black magic vibe” and so I was thinking warlock.

But then someone mentioned how a lot of dark irons are fire elementalists so then shaman seemed just as good.

And the heritage armor looks amazing as warrior armor.

I cannot decide.

A fire mage could be really nice, they’ll kinda look like a battle mage with the heritage armor on and fire fits their theme well.


Paladin. They have one of the best, or the best, Paladin mount.


The Paladin mount is incredible, and a lot of good transmog options (SoO set in the grey/gold/red fits perfectly).

Too bad there aren’t glyphs or other ways to make their ‘holy’ spells look more flame-y.


Unfortunately I already have a dumb human paladin on my alliance server but the others would help me fill out my roster better. Too many good races to make paladins with (I love LFD too), but hey, that’s what I get for making a dumb MHP back in TBC…

Race change it. It’s only 260k.

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I wouldn’t get the heritage armor if I race changed right?

You’re right; I’m sorry. I forgot about that.


We get theme songs.


Have you considered rogue for the sneaky staby poision build?

I’d go with something melee, simply because Dwarves always strike me as a very physically oriented race.

That and the whole, “oops, I accidentally summoned an elemental demigod, burned our homeland to ashes, and now we’re all slaves to it,” thing seems kinda like it’d be a deterrent to me, but I’unno. Nothing says “Dark Iron” like throwing around fire after all.

As was stated earlier, fire mage with heritage. You are a god of fire.

I’m going to have to say Paladin. This Pally has been and BE, Human, and now a DI. Hands down one of the coolest Pally mounts in the game. I even leveled another DI just to get the heritage armor. Good Luck on whatever you pick!

Dwarves always look awesome in plate armor and the heritage armor for Dark Iron is one of my favorites. I was having a tough time deciding, but I think a Dark Iron Shaman using the heritage armor would be a lot of fun. You get the plate armor aesthetics which goes well with a one hander and a shield. :smiley:

I’ve thought of that as well. It’s a great look!

Go warlock, check this sexiness out :wink:

destruction for the fire magic, plus a caster in ‘plate’ armor looks really cool. the heritage armor for dark irons is amazing on any class, but especially on cloth/leather/mail classes since it basically looks like plate.


This is Zafire as well… I liked them so much I made another one. And I already have a 120 Warrior that’s my main. The 100% XP Buff ends April 20th. So gogo! :wink:

Personally I just rolled a second Shaman. I play this one Enhance and the other one Ele.

It’s actually been a lot of fun and I like the character.

well DI Warrior can DW the 2H hammer from Blackrock foundry and you also can mog the blackrock plate gear from the garrison bunker

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Best armor and weapon combo EVER.

yeah just wish Blackhands helm was available instead it would be the most sought after plate helm

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