Convoke state after weeks

Yes, it is balanced on feral where they need to be melee range. But for boomers? Insane.

Even my healer when specced balance affinity can drop some huge dps.

I’m calling BS on it casting feral moves in boomer form if you’re at range. In fact wowhead says it’d only be resto+boomer spells:,%202%20minutes%20%206%20more%20rows%20

Furthermore, experience has shown me that if you don’t interrupt a balances convoke, you die, 100% of the time. So it’s definitely casting enough balance spells.

This can’t be true, do you have proof of the root?

When my shaman got root beamed the other day and I was stunned, we certainly both died when the boomer was uninterrupted.

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So many compaints about convoke. Just interrupt the cast man. It is so easy.

You have .4 seconds to kick it. My grandmom can interupt.

Sorry but I like the game when classes feel strong. It is a fast pace meta, get use to it BFA baby. LULW KEK /s

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li’ve casted a full 4 seconds of convoke with every dps cooldown popped and not even see people health bars drop to half. So no it’s not 100% death. Yu aint gotta lie to kick it :joy:

it’s true. You could find out for yourself if you want. super easy to test. go outside your capital city and duel a druid or just ask one. if you are rooted you will not take any damage from convoke or starfall. Pets and minions stop attacking you when you get rooted as well.

yeah druids just have to start casting convoke, interrupting doesn’t matter because they need 1-2s to pop starsurges on top of it which can global but there are plenty of pretentious pummelheads that will say just get good. Unless you interrupt within like half a global you’re kinda f’d without a mage defensive.

no pretty sure you if you do nothing you just die sitting in roots anyways from the full convoke lul.

that’s the problem with it. It’s a dice roll 1 button kill. broken

*posted on level 27 alt.


We have had a nice discussion going on over in general about it.

My favorite so far was this one.


I died .4s of coming out of stealth. I wasn’t targeted. I came out of stealth to stun the rogue on my healer. .25s between those two spells.

Good times! Clearly I’m a terrible player because I didn’t instantly turtle when the druid came out.

It’s not overpowered? Whatever you’re smokin, pass me some. NO ability should be able to do a 100% of a players health in .25s. No one should die because they didn’t react, from a 100% health, in .25s.

Just stop. Holy hell you people are seriously insane.

i agree but trust me the 1 button kill is rare. when it happens people come running to the forums with their screen shots. But honestly most times you press it and it’s underwhelming. i’m all for removing the rng of the spell.

yeah I get it but it’s cheese winning just like the egg. I agree it should be strong but it needs tweak

Really very easy to find out… It loves casting Thrash+Rake at melee range. “Kills 100% of the time” is ummm well so obviously not true, especially when a Resto druid is casting it since the number of spells is cut down by 25%.

Unless its changed, it does not target rooted opponents for whatever reason. Its actually a way that a Druid can get it to target only 1 player (which makes it more likely to kill).

Other ways to avoid death are:

  1. Interrupt/Stun/ect.
  2. LOS it.
  3. Summon a bunch of pets. It’ll throw down at the pets.
  4. Group up with teammates, it’ll spread the damage.

There are so many counters to this ability. It just needs some minor tuning.

No. Those are all wrong.

  1. If you have a ranged interrupt, sure. If you don’t, you’re using major defensive.
  2. LOS it? What garbage tier druid is going to use convoke on a target that will easily LOS them?
  3. Summon a bunch of pets… really…
  4. And it will kill the entire team. Have you seen the video of the guy killing 5 people in a bg with one convoke? lol. yea, grouping people up for more lawls.
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Oh no you have to use a major defensive against their best ability!?!? WOW.

Hey those Beastmaster Hunters. It doesn’t kill them so easily.

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It 100% targets people rooted in it a week ago I full rooted by boomie and he just runs like 8 feet away, casts convoke, and 1 shots me.

Hmmm… maybe if you are the only target. I’ll test it.

Do you get that in the screenshot I posted, I wasn’t even targeted? He was targeting my priest and I happened to come out the same time he did and died .4s later.

Please. Please tell me how that is fair in your mind. Please tell me how I died in less than half a second, when I wasn’t even the target. In .25s I went from 100% to dead.

This reminds me of those aimbots back in counter strike that would run into a room and just kill everyone at random.


convoke doesn’t hit rooted targets. IE: You shouldn’t have trinketed roots.