Now that our set bonuses gives us a 700% bleed at the beginning of berserk, I could see us popping berserk and convoke at the same time with the Frenzyband legendary for even more stupid burst.
You’ll be hitting your target with standard convoke damage PLUS:
+700% AP bleed over 10 sec from set bonus
+150% bleed damage over 6 sec for every combo point generator channeled during convoke. Keep in mind these combo point generators will also be buffed during convoke.
I still think Necro will be the way to go. Imagine loading up on your Bleeds, buffed by Draught (still the go to for Arena or is it Circle for multiple targets?). And then slapping them with Berserk bleed on top.
The berserk bleed alone is a lot to be scared of. And the pressure of the other bleeds while pumping out BrS to get a Bite off should be more than enough to almost finish anyone off.
I think everyone is still going to be watching to shut down Convoke right away.
the problem w/ convoke is that its inconsistent. sometimes you use it and deal 60k damage in .5s othertimes you get almost nothing out of it, even from a full channel.
Necrolord is going to be consistent. Consistency is usually the best option.
Convoke will still be hilarious in certain situations, and i can see it working increidbly well in 2’s or randoms or wpvp, but in 3’s i think you’ll want necro.
Exactly my point. The combo I’m mentioning above smoothes out bad bite RNG a bit. You’ll at least get an additional 150% bleed on EACH combo point generator during your channel (+700% berserk bleed from the get go).
At the same time I see where you’re coming from. It might not be enough.
i think this is the only real answer. its gonna take testing.
imo. even if the 2pc/4pc are used (not sure cuz you lose major points in versatility) the berserk bleed and frenzybrand damage makes us into more of a 2minute burst class… not saying that makes it bad, but the meta right now is really focused on 45s-1minute bursts and i dont know if that will continue next season or if it will be a problem to Convoke + Beserk — > Convoke alone —> Convoke + beserk → etc.
Ive also heard that blizzard is scaling HP on next seasons gear faster than this seasons gear in an attempt to avoid the 100-0 burst we have now. So steady consistent necrolord might be better if things move from burst oriented to dampener.
I mean seriously? Compared to CS which halves the CD of Convoke and only reduces its damage by 25% but increases chance of specials being used vs a 60% chance to split. At a minimum that should be 100% chance to split.
In theory, yes. The problem is most feral comps at the moment are heavy ST comps. It could possibly induce a meta shift and steer away from jungle and more into sp or aff lock rot comps. Traditionally though jungle or fmp (mage) and kitty (war) prefer ST dps.
Personally if the meta doesn’t drastically change, I foresee Kyrian feral being the go to. The Kyrian leggo is no different for feral than boomy (obviously) and is incredibly strong. Couple that with… honestly anything and you can dish out serious pressure. Maybe eye or what not. We’ll see.
so i crafted a frenzyband legendary today and was messing around with it a bit. the bleed damage isnt terrible but its not amazing either. i was getting bleed ticks for like 6k-ish average? like 4-8k but its an Ignite mechanic, so it kinda stacks up over time starts a really low bleeds at like 1500-2k then slowly ramps up to like an 8k tick if you maintain uptime and continue through.
someone also told me that the bleed itself (because its an Ignite clone) wont benefit from Adaptive Swarm or TF or other modifiers, which given how it works, makes sense… but i havent tested it yet. got distracted by 3’s queue. tomorrow ill try it as necro to check.
got some time to try it as necrolord. And this is probably the first time playing feral this season ive felt energy starved. The damage it adds is decent… its like 50k (and might be benefitting from Adaptive Swarm!?) but i am SO starved for energy during beserk and it feels awful.
definitely deals more damage as convoke because convoke just carries the damage so hard, but it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be?
necro is getting like 3k average ticks without adaptive and ~5k average with adaptive but i cant tell if its because of adpative swarm or other RNG during it. idk. either way it feels mediocre.
Have you tried combining Convoke + Berserk with Frenzyband? The amount of builders it throws out in those few seconds on top of what you’re able to contribute for the next 15 seconds may push it higher??
Edit: not to mention, full energy right afterwards. Assuming you get a full channel
Yes! and that seems to be the highest damage output from this legendary. and then having full energy afterwards.
i did just take it into a BG as necro, it was okay. it helped me kill healers when i dont think i normally would have? there was a 1v1 against a disc priest at one point and frenzyband really put in work . idk . i dont think its terrible i dont know if its good either though. ovverall better w/ night fae convoke imo.