Convoke meta again for PVP Feral in 9.2?

I can’t imagine this going live. What are they thinking? :joy:

There was some downside. I can’t remember. If it was the cooldown on the trinket or it replaced your normal pvp trinket that got you out of cc or if it was a major loss in stats… or something else.

Idk I honestly can’t remember. But I’m like 99% there was some major drawback that made people say maybe not to this.

Probably replaced the other remove CC trinket.

So it eats the first 3 abilities, and incurs it’s cooldown, and you lose the “on demand” option perhaps?

Iirc it was an on-use. You activating the trinket made you immune to the next three loss of control mechanics. Then the trinkets cd would start cooldown after the third.

I know it’s likely not going to be the meta.
I know it’s easily counterable by basically every class.
I know it’s somewhat random and hard to set up for.
I know that most of the top end players will laugh at it.

But I for one look forward to the 1000’s of “Convoke is completely broken because I didn’t kick it and I died!” posts coming up with the double legendary.

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Convoke is completely broken because sometimes the feral high rolls and crits for 35k + 35k in .5seconds.

And its like everyone plays feral in this game, so its a huge problem ^^

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It’s not a huge problem but when you are removing skill from pvp and just tolling the dice and winning or losing based in that outcome…that is the problem. 1 lucky convoke can end matches. It’s no more skilled than the ones that wasted a bunch of time on combo point builders but it can get you instantly.

And this isn’t unique to feral or druids… there are alot of things that will kill you in under half a second if the caster high rolls. It’s just part of Shadowlands. It’s not good but it exists and is widespread.


Hence why my PVP partner and I refer to it as “Conjoke”.

I have to laugh when I use it in 5 mans as a bear and even mobs kick me and I’m like “Son of a ^!@&*#^!@#($, even the AI knows to kick my conjoke”


I thought convoke was fun for a month or 2…but when half my st dps is from 1 cd…

So I totally agree convoke, alongside a bunch of other covenant abilities, are just terrible.

I am not actually playing druid…im playing Venthyr or NF …


I’m about to be running feral/enhancement 2v2’s. We’ve talked a little before, you and I. For double dps, is convoke the better choice for this comp in 2’s?

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Hmm. I think so. I haven’t tried it recently but if I was going to play it tomorrow I would start as night fae convoke and see how that felt. Especially with the new trinkets, you can really crush teams before they know what hit them.

And after Tuesday, when we have double legendary, I think convoke + natural order’s will legendary would be A++++ for enh/feral.

The biggest downside to convoke feral is that it doesn’t have the self sustain necrorlord does, but with Natural Orders Will I’m guessing that will be very well compensated.


Okay awesome thanks. Convoke it is then. Now if I could just get some time off work to finish leveling lol

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Agreed, for double dps Convoke with NOW is going to be strong!

Does anyone know if Eye of Fearful Symmetry will theoretically give you more bites during convoke due to restoring combo points on finishers. I don’t think it works during voke if I remember correctly.

Ok I’m about to drop 80k for a 291. You pretty sure NOW is the leggo for feral/enhancement 2v2’s?

-also, I’m still sticking with convoke…?

It’s the legendary combination I and others think is best. My advice cuz that’s alot of g to burn, try it out with like a lower ilvl version for a bit. I’m still using a 235 and it’s not hindering me overly

Ok, thanks so much. I just noticed you’re on Hyjal too. I look for you in trade right now. My Druids name is Giucy

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:smiley: ive had a busy as heck day. my niece’s 4th bday party at a trampoline park so im just relaxing w/ an old fashioned and some hearthstone dunno if ill log on yet tonight.

I was actually going to ask you for a guild invite for my Druid if you don’t mind?


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OH copy. my guild is 100% dead and i dont know that i can even invite on my characters. it was a PVE guild that like half left after the allegations against blizzard came out, and then we couldnt put together enough reliable people for mythic raids so it just fell apart.

i’ll add you on bnet though :smiley: itll be from jkspiritlink