Convert Forum to BattleTag

They did in high school though. I graduated in 96, and had a comp sci class 95 - 96, I think it was. It wasn’t very advanced, but we still got the gleanings of things.

Sure, but they’ve gotten away with it for years because they controlled who could see their BTag, don’t add people and they can’t see it gg. This change would force them to either change the name or not talk on the forums. This isn’t an issue for me, I never use my real name anywhere online :laughing: but I know people who do.

Some of these lyrics are the forums in a nutshell.

I like to think this is what high school would have been like had I experienced it xD

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You said you were old? :face_with_monocle:

Still young.

Yep, I took Computer Information Systems and a dual enrollment CCNA course in high school, they had comp sci but didn’t take it.

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My arthritis sure as hell makes it feel like it some days. :rofl:


Don’t worry I have 1 disc replaced and 2 more herniated and I was born in the 90s. I sure feel old.

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I mean, a lot of us went to school before online was a thing.

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I love pretending that I’m going to go all out for someone’s birthday when they want to party, and then I remember what hangovers feel like after 30 lol


I am not fond of this idea because of the people I have currently as my bnet friends. I don’t necessarily want them to see what I posted because I have on occasion talked about them or their experiences on here and don’t want to have to stop because someone might take something I said the wrong way.

I really don’t see how this is going to change anything much. Blizzard doesn’t see people posting on multiple alts or liking their own posts as a problem anyway based on their comments in the customer support forum only a tiny portion of people do this.

!! :face_with_monocle: :astonished:

Well don’t do that? Talking about your friends in a way that is mean or upsetting is not very friend like.

I don’t talk about my friends behind their backs - if I say something I would be comfy with them hearing or seeing it. I usually ask them first before I talk about them even.

“I want to hide when I say mean things about my friends” is not a good reason…


So basically you talked about people behind their back and without their consent and worried you will be exposed.


sort of like the problem you claim to want to ‘fix’. These things may not be an issue to you but people like the current system for reasons and don’t think the few people who post on multiple alts is an issue on here because they can be easily ignored.

Well that is a sort of negative way to put it since I am not saying anything negative about them or sharing personal details but ok if that is your take.

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You talked about someone behind their back like we all do? :scream:

Maybe the friendship isn’t so great if ur talking mad crap or they’re not understanding to their faulty ways?


Then there is nothing to worry about :slight_smile:


wow you people sure project

The best friends are the ones with multiple personalities.


It just makes you sound like Regina George.

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