Continued Diversity & Representation in Customization


I’m not going to engage w someone who quite clearly has no intention of arguing in good faith. The person disregarding others and declaring they speak for everyone is you. And funny enough you’re doing it to try to not stand in solidarity w others, and that’s fine but you speak for yourself alone.


I am arguing in good faith, you are a virtue signaler who wants everyone to look at you as some kind of “hero” for minorities and I wont let you do that. Blizzard can never do enough people will always find something to complain or be offended by, my god it’s a game.

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It is a game and we can ask for changes and or updates.

Why? Because more customizations is always a good thing.

So you would rather someone not ask for more skin tones?


You might have a very valid point if not for OP saying he or she wants these changes for the point of diversity and representation. If OP asked for more skin tones or hair types because it would be nice to have more choices I would be on board.

But OP is virtue signaling plain and simple, and I am not having it.

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So it’s fine when you think it is basically. If someone wants more options for diversity why is this a bad thing?

Are you the OP? From what I’ve read of the thread, it’s simply asking for more customization options. If you don’t like it don’t use them.

What’s wrong with adding more skin colors?


Yes it is a bad thing, because it isn’t genuine. Like who logs on to WOW and thinks about things like that? Did you not read the title of the thread? If not maybe you should.

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Again, are you the OP? To YOU it isn’t genuine… because people wanna talk about skin tone options?

Goes to character screen and opens up options “Hm I want to make x y z character but I don’t have that option.”

I did. I’m sorry that you feel as though it’s not the place to talk about adding more customization options.

You are a racist troll and quite frankly, it’s absolutely disgusting.


This is what people like you do when someone disagrees, you name call! Sorry but there are tons of customizations and looks that Blizzard already implements. It is just people like you who have to look for something to be offended by or change.

At the end of the day it is a game plain and simple. You or no one else speaks for me being as a hispanic that lived in a place where true oppression exists. Imagine calling someone who’s parents immigrated from the murder capitol of the world a racist, my god the irony is gold.

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It isn’t name calling if it’s the truth. When you throw a tantrum over people asking for black skin tones / hair styles and claim it’s “virtue signaling” then using your own race as a token to try and play it off… that’s being racist.

People like who? People that don’t tolerate racists?

Then why are you getting upset over someone asking for more skin tone options in a game? You don’t speak for me either.

You’re bound and detertmined to make whatever case you want to to claim it’s virtual signaling and you’re just making yourself out to be a racist. Any race or ethnicity can be racist.

If people want more options that’s fine. Whatever you had happen go on in your own life is your business and I don’t know your experiences with that. I have my own. We all do. If someone wants more customizations for their characters in a game then they have the right to voice their opinion to do so.


No, it is name calling and against TOS. People are allowed to disagree I am reporting you. I am upset because it isn’t genuine, I am told by liberals everyday that I am some how oppressed and not represented enough. This isn’t true, the game has plenty of customization but people like the OP and yourself will always find something to be offended by.

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You know what I was gonna type up a big thing on this, but here’s the deal.

This argument isn’t worth it. Report me if you want because now you’re upset you’ve been called out. I’ll appeal it if anything happens.

It sounds like you have this argument OFTEN and FYI I ain’t a liberal either.

I ain’t offended. I just like seeing more customization options because it’s a fantasy game / MMORPG and if someone wants more options to, potentially, represent themselves in the game then what’s wrong with that?

You go on with your business and I’ll go on with mine. I’m going to go back to discussing the main points of the thread.


All I ask for is realistic black people skin tones, the ability to make a nose like mine, and 4 black hairstyles, just 4 nothing major. That’s just for human characters. As for story, I don’t care. There’s like a million different races, just make the story good. Then for the non vid relationships, put them in if it makes sense. Anything they wanna do is fire, AS LONG AS ITS GOOD.


I also just want to add again someone pointed out earlier in the thread, leaving out customization options to include black and brown people, or leaving out LGBTQ+ stories and characters is the political statement rather then simply including them. People existing isn’t political.

Including them shouldn’t be an issue. The only people making it political are people who take issue w more diverse options or stories being told and made available.


Not called out, but calling someone racist is almost as bad as spitting in someone’s face. That is the problem with people like you, rather than make a point to back up what you say, you name call. What a small existence you have if that is how you debate.

I too am for more options but not for the reason OP said.

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I’m putting you on ignore now. Bye. :slight_smile:


Let me repeat stop speaking for ME. I honestly believe you created this thread to troll and also believe you don’t believe anything you say. Stop telling Blizzard what to put in THEIR game, if you want a game with more diversity make your own. I grow tired of people demanding things and when they don’t get it they call the company racist or homophobic, it is getting old.


That is what people do when they lose a debate name call or ignore.

BTW, I would like to add that other posters have criticized OP’s thread so I guess that makes them racist as well? :thinking:

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I’ll respond to this one then I’m done.

No I don’t respond to openly racist people.

Thank you for making my point, name call when you have nothing of validity to say.

You don’t know what racism or oppression is, come live in Juarez for a few days and come back with that same energy, people don’t realize how great they have it here.


Now that the racist is on ignore, I can get back to the main points.

I wonder if they would add options for height / weight potentially or different facial features?