Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I am expecting anklets for female Blood Elves, and Male Blood Elves will continue to be neglected. Void Elves might get a few hair colors in various shades of black, which aren’t black.

Honestly I’d like anklets. :eyes:

Isn’t ashenvale closer than mount hyjal?

I’m expecting dwarf facial hair split into beards and mustaches, plus eyebrow customization (if you notice in my pics above, the dwarf eyebrows are different. Most likely the beta version is the default option while the selection is not implemented).

Also something for undead, thought I’m not sure what. Blizzard was working on their textures last build…

Blood elves will probably get something after that, but I don’t know if we will see anything in this build.

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They’ve said the void elves with belf skin tones are going to have the correct color undergarments.

So it just donged on me that VEs getting the peach skintones means that folks will be able to RP as Blue Dragonflight members in a more immersive characterization. VEs will have that blue/purple hair paired with blue eyes.

Also, just realized that there is a straight up void skintone that is NPC only. It’s all I want Blizzard, gimme. (ST 7 in WoWhead Dressing Room)


Isn’t that the entropic embrace skin?

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I like this color on a Voided Void Elf.

Also a non elf with pink hair


It is. It’s possible that some sort of customization is being considered for Entropic Embrace or Blizzard just wants to use the textures on some Void Elf npcs.

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If that was an actual playable Void Elf skin tone, I would switch my Blood Elf Priest to Void Elf so fast. That the wind from her passing would tear the thatch from the roofs.


Really hoping a new build introduces more options. As of right now, it’s very boring compared to other races.

Come on Blizz! More hair colors, hair styles, tattoos, ripped ears, etc! Lots of lists in these threads. /sad


I have never played a VE, is THAT what they look like ?! If so, can we just make that permanent if we want it???



Probably not but I wish


White hair would go perfectly with it.

Like this image from the Voidier Void Elves thread:

No, Entropic Embrace effects your hair too, and only lasts 12 seconds. Without it proccing, velves look like this:


If I could make my void elf look like that permanently and not just in EE I’d do it in a heartbeat


Where is said thread? I need to give support!

This right here!

These are the shades I need for Void Elves.

Eastern Ashenvale yes, anything west of Astranaar would be reasonably out of the way. Especially if the Night Elves were to successfully take back Darkshore and move into Ashenvale.


Thats still much closer than Mount Hyjal. Ashenvale and Aszhara sit between Mount Hyjal and Horde territory.

I prefer Hyjal overall cause the Night Elves once had their capital (though I’m not sure if that was retconed later or not) on the slopes of Hyjal. It was destroyed during the Third War and the Legions advance on the World Tree. Always thought it was odd that they didn’t rebuild.

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I love that Troll mog :eyes: Velftroy’s main, btw. Since things are calming down between both Antis and Pros, I’m hoping I won’t be stalked on Mg again, lul.

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I want my Void Elf to look like this at all times.