Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Yes, the classic Warcraft battlemage look! You can pull this look off, but sadly only on a warrior, in which case you get no magic, and your sword has to be a two hander.

This one?


Yes, thatā€™s the one. Thank you for posting it.
it would be cool if it had casting animations like that too.

Maybe channeling magic from the staff into the sword before flinging at somebody like the old death coil animation for DKs.

Casting animations would be great for everyone, Iā€™d love to actually use feloā€™melorn but sadly ive only seen death knights and paladins use such animations; paladins using it for blade of wrath.


Plus Chromie is the best.

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Tbh minus the pet aspect BfA-SLs survival seems more like a rogue spec than a hunter one to me.

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Oh, rogue ranged pistol spec, add in actual pistol weapons!


do we really need to spam 2 threads. this one is closest to cap by far. let it cap, then you can go back to the other one. not sure why lan hasnt put it in a ticket to close the other one

I find the Mongoose Bite window and Wildfire Infusion rotation annoying.

I mained survival in 8.3

If the spec is ever walking around, you can hear it from lightyears away because of how clunky the spec is.

Iā€™d love to design the spec for Blizzard and make it an actual melee spec with an actual theme instead of the weird mostly ranged but sort of melee spec with either a really weird theme or no theme at all.


I was literally thinking about new specs and was on Chronomancer when I opened this and read it.

Did I go through this timeline before?


Sadly, someone necroed the other one.


Did that one poster ever go through with their plan to make yet another thread for reasons?


Not yet.


Hopefully it stays that way.


Because I already edited the OP to make it clear. Iā€™m not that pressed about it. And tbh I recently had to do a ticket for a in game shop error which confused me so Iā€™m sure a forum ticket isnā€™t any easier just for a new thread to take its place anyways.

Iirc the person most vested in necroing that thread advocated to make their own thread already so I doubt itā€™d do much good.

I just go with the flow of the convo I was sticking to this one until I saw someone making personal attacks I couldnā€™t let slide, but Iā€™m playing EU4 rn too so Iā€™m kinda just what ever about the convo atm.

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What country

I just formed the Qing dynasty, itā€™s my favorite play throughs, Jianzhou - Manchu - Qing

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Thatā€™s a fun one yeah

Brandenburg > Prussia > Germany is my favorite

Byzantium > Rome is another fun one

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The Ring of Fates is below the Ring of Transference.

MuH gRoSs GeRmAnIa

I like stomping people with military ideas, more like.

Nepal is fun for the same reason.