Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I know, right? It’s like

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What makes that super sad is if they would have been nicer about it and asked me to comeback because they needed help with it, I would have, I’m not mean like that where I would just be like nope I already did it.

That’s terrible, some people in game are just terrible.

Ugh, the battleground toxicity is real on both sides, people like to say it’s just Horde or just Alliance but really it’s awful on both sides when people are freaking out right after a game starts or when it’s back and forth between your side winning and the other one then at end they act like they weren’t awful and you just want to kick them but there’s no vote kick.


The funny thing is, this happened in Legion. I’m almost certain it was at some point during 7.2, when Broken Shore was current.

It makes me wish sometimes that WoW had open mics.

PvP would be so much more fun.

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I love it when the salty jerk ragequits the BG right before our team wins. It’s like ha, serves you right.


That happens on pretty much every pvp game though.

That being said still never experienced anything as bad as back when I played league. Now that was toxic.

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I’ve heard people say LoL is the apex of toxic games. I’ve never played, but I’ve seen it mentioned frequently enough that it stuck with me.

Ever tried Dota2?

I prefer people do quit if they don’t want to be there, actually I would prefer they didn’t join to begin with because I can accept winning or losing without being toxic, I figure so can anyone else.

I know which is why I have an issue with it, especially in places like Wintergrasp or Ashran where someone auto decides we lost for whatever reason they decide we have lost, it’s like okay so you give up like 3-5 minutes in and we are gonna be here for another 25-35 minutes? Haha.

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It produced tyler1 so that’s not too inaccurate to say.

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This reminds me of an AV I was in where we completely obliterated the enemy team in, yet there was this one person whining about how we sucked the whole game.

Almost the entire team was trying to tell them that we were winning, but they wouldn’t hear of it.


Yup, on my experience at least.
In fact Riot started banning people for insults and stuff and a big LoL streamer made a 15 min video on why Riot were the worst and insults were natural for a game like this and how he had no time to play with losers and stuff. And the community supported him…

Then they start insulting the people who are actually trying.


So anyone else tapping their foot impatiently.

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I am, but not for WoW, I can’t wait for the OW event to start soon and show the other 3 new skins for this event.

People sometimes, my gosh.

Ah yes, then saying how bad they are. Lol.


It’s always sad seeing jerks who try and excuse their awful attitudes by saying things like “trash talk is natural in games”.

Trash talk can be fun. When it’s just ribbing between friends.

With random people on the internet, yeah no. I have no interest in having some salty jerk whining at me for the entire game.


I take any and every opportunity to call my friends terrible, especially when we’re talking transmog game.

Best part of the game.


Yeah having fun with friends? fine.
Insulting randos? not fine at all. It could be a kid, an old lady or someone with depression. I get you can scream at your screen if they can’t hear you, fine, but actually writing them awful stuff. Nah.


Nah he ghost type. No one see’s his existence in game

And Maint got extended.