Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I… will probably feel nothing other than a mild “I saw that coming” and bored resignation. Because something else we don’t need is “big villain secretly a good guy and gets redeemed” plot.

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I did read what you write. And you did say exactly what I joked about:

But you were actually serious…

You joked about belves, not worgen.

So… you have no defending argument other than “Nuh Uh”?


I won’t discuss that. It’s pretty pointless when we are going by gigantic shifts in biology but you make one thing different because it doesn’t fit the narrative you have been talking about here. It makes it pretty transparent therefor pointless to discuss.

The primary group of High Elves in the World of Warcraft are the Blood Elves and they are not Alliance.


I think its probably slightly larger than 10% with the addition of void elves and the assumption they are recruiting more elves from high and blood stock.

Not to mention blood elves becoming void elves further messes with that statistic depending on how many high elves vs blood elves are joining.

Edit: Also the first void elves were enough blood elves to make a playable race as well.

Blizzard already did, for me at least. By letting me finally skip Wrath while leveling, and not having to use blue skin that clashes with most mogs.

…>.>…<.<…>.>…<.<… … … <_>

Come on…

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Thoughts on Quel’ having a zoned in questing spot for both sides:

Interesting, BUT
My very first concern is this: What other racial starting zone has this? That’s the first ‘wait a minute’.

I mean, what if we took Teldrassil and had instances where orcs could come in and play on the tree? That would be all sorts of weird (especially since in ‘current’ storyline it’s gone, and in old storyline, it’s pretty much just a home for the night elves and the surviving worgan.) For me, it’s not about paranoia and not sharing, but rather it being inconsistent with the set up for how players who want to start at the ‘beginning’ are introduced to their ‘homeland’. Sure, it’s an instance, but it still means Alliance are going to be wandering around in a zone where…normally they would not…even if it’s just to get to the instance.

Mind you, this is coming from someone who

  1. Wants Silvermoon and the surrounding area to be updated to a full-out zone where you can fly without staring out into the ‘it doesn’t exist’ void.


  1. Is actually one of the players who is so over the whole concept of faction wars in the first place that yeah, if there was a good storyline reason to take those down and a game way of still giving people the option to PvP with the ‘opposite side’ without breaking everything, I’d be for it.

But I don’t agree that making Silvermoon, even as an instance, as a ‘neutral’ territory is the way to do it–at least not by way of making it a warzone/no longer part of the faction wars when the rest of the world isn’t that way. It’s a starting zone for a specific race; belves deserve to keep their start zone to primarily themselves just like everyone else does.

I’m probably not expressing myself well enough. Need more coffee.


A small elite crack squad messes with the statistics?

Biggest argument for the proportions would be that Belves keep dying in all these wars while Helves hardly participate lol.

I’d really like her to just go away. I’d accept redemption if it means she’s gone permanently at this point. I’m so tired of her. I really really would prefer justice though, and her ending up in the maw where she belongs, and not as the new jailor.

Well you know what they say about crack squads. Haha. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Edit - that was terrible but I couldn’t help myself. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Yeah, giving Blizzard your ideas is a good thing, under the assumption that Blizzard actually reads/cares about our customization desires. It took them until BfA for any amount of decent customization. I’d argue with you on the point that BE’s have lacking customization, they aren’t any worse than any other race, and have plenty of customization. You play as a Blood Elf, your not a High Elf, your a Blood Elf. Specifically, a Silvermoon Blood Elf. And Silvermoon Blood Elves don’t have a lot of variety, they look how they look. Your not going to get all these customizations that essentially amount to you being a allied race, because then Blizzard can’t boost numbers by adding another allied race later. You guys are requesting the most special treatment for a race I’ve ever seen. It’d be cool, but then they’d have to do the same thing for other races.

Those classic high elf models ain’t even bad though

Send Jaina with her please.

That makes it seem like High Elves aren’t very enthusiastic about the Alliance.


I think it’s probably less than 10% given that a) fighting in wars repeatedly will render a small population smaller as losses are more painful, b) that high elves are returning to Quel’thalas, c) that not all high elves were ever Alliance and d) that void elves were described by a mod as a ‘small squad’. They were never a major population.

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Pretty much my thoughts exactly. Oh well, it’s not the first time I’ve been projected on. Probably won’t be the last. shrugs