Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I think many HE fans show that they do not have the best interests of BEs or BE fans. I would not say however unless they also expressed discrimination of BE fans based on being a BE fan use the term discrimination over that I would simply say they do not have the best interests of BE fans at heart and or have a bone to pick with BE fans.

Discrimination is like a very big claim.


Waaay back when we were in those old high elf discussions I suggested Wretched as their best option. lol


Oh my gosh I actually remember that. Lol. :joy: :joy: :joy:


Oh, that’s


I’m a bit confused why you’d even say this after I just mentioned you’d keep the old zone.

If you’re a new blood elf you’d still be leveling in the old zone and would only phase into the new one at max level; with the option to phase back into the old one at any time with a npc like Zidormi.

Also lets not pretend blood elf fans wouldn’t ever read the wiki article at some point.

And would you please stop assuming my motivations are to screw over blood elf players?
You respond to me as if I’m a certain void elf paladin requester it comes off as paranoid.

See this please.

it’s not even like i suggested it be a neutral zone!
The updated zone would still be horde and have horde quests exclusively aside from a dungeon that takes place in said zone!

Oh gee thanks :roll_eyes:

It’s our zone anyways, Quel’thalas is Horde and belongs to the majority population the Blood Elves.

Very much this.


The Wowpedia. The Wiki is cancerous.

Also someone hasnt been a victim of the phasing disaster (Northern Barrens, nuff said).

And more important of all: why waste story resources in a zone just for mere cosmetics? Cause the way I see it, your “everybody HAS TO save the poor weaksauce Belves cause God forbids they mantain their zone enemy free” is precisely the type of story I rather NEVER get as a Belf lore fan. Especially if it involves the n-esim iteration of Jaina/Blanduin/insert Alliance character.

Noope. That narrative can go to the Maw and take it´s “friends” with it.


The NPC everything is better though.


IF a baddie wanted the power of the sunwell and them getting it would massively screw everyone else over why wouldn’t alliance adventurers help out regardless if silvermoon need it?
that’s your flawed view of the topic.

I would disagree. It’s really only a flawed view if Helf/Alliance intervention is something you wanted.

Many players, especially horde players, are tired of the narrative of the Horde needing Alliance to bail them out. So not wanting that kind of new story or narrative at all is a valid opinion.


You may think you won´t negatively impact Belf players… but newflash: you would. For a 5th rated cosmetic reward?

No thanks.

Sure dude, cause we all Horde players feel SO rewarded anytime an Alliance NPC comes to Orgrimmar to chastise us in the power of love and friendship, basically the only thing that prevented complete implosion of the faction thanks to civil war and infighting!!! /s

I´ll tell you again: after BfA, I DO want a pick-me-up story. And watching Alliance NPCs INVADING my exclusive Belf zones implying the Belf nation is too weak and poorly equipped to even protect their own damned battery IS insulting AF. This is like, the opposite of a pick-me-up. Do you think Draenei players felt “oh so powerful!!” getting to watch their city become a Burning Legion playground that didn´t become a catastrophe for them thanks to rando Hordies helping? Cause I doubt so. And mind you, the Exodar crapfest at least didn´t had direct Horde intervention lorewise speaking.

Nope, the one that doesn´t get my point is you.

Thank you, I truly appreciate your support Mr. Drust.


Can you self insert your Alliance delusion somewhere else though, we don’t need Quel’thalas to be revamped for some shared experience.

There’s other stories the Alliance would be better seen in.

Quel’thalas needs to quit being a point of some sort of any sort of idea from HE fans list of ideas which all end up reading as some Alliance fantasy.


I do try my best!

Does anyone know what happens on the horde side for the campaign quest of finding Tyrande?
I feel like as a member of the horde (who participated in the burning of Teldrassil) she would execute you on sight.
Or is it canon that (your) horde characters did not partake in teldrassil?

Or what about Jaina, is she over the alliance vs horde quarrels now?

Tyrande talks trash the whole time. However, it’s actually not canon whether or not your specific character helped with the burning of Teldrassil.

Edit: Sorry that came out confusing. I mean to say that it’s really just head canon at this point on whether or not your character took part. Though I think Blizz’s default is to assume the negative.

Jaina is…mostly over things. This is confirmed in the pre SL book and end of BfA cutscenes with Thrall.


The player’s interaction with Teldrassil from the BfA pre-patch, both Alliance and Horde, has been decanonized iirc.


What in the wide, wide world of sports is this?

No. Not only no but hell no. The Alliance having to pull BE butts out of the fire instead of them being portrayed as capable of defending their own turf - regardless of how that’s spun - is just another “Alliance to the rescue! Remember, we’re the good guys!” steaming pile of excrement masquerading as a potential plot.

This. And…

Along with…

…but only because Lann is being a lot nicer than I would be.

I main Alliance, with one Zandalari exception to that, and hell even I want nothing to do with anything that portrays BEs as somehow unable to take care of themselves.

Saturas. Dude. Stop.


I sure love, as a part of the clearly favored faction, to be saved by the poor forgotten Alliance over and over and over again…



That was one of the main things Avarie pointed out to me how much better BE story could have been / it was weird the first time how involved Velen was in our story. It could have been done without such.

We hardly need that again, and Quel’thalas is such a point of contention for HE fans I wouldn’t want this weird state of being where it’s like “well it was yours but not our characters can go there too to quest”.