Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Lol, yea. I was more just being silly/ironic in the statement.

I’m getting a sense that you’re probably a Sylvanas fan, right? >.> :joy:

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I can and I do accept that but from how it’s been written none of them want to take it and Voss is only doing it currently because she has to not because she wants to so.


I just want to point out this is extremely thought out and specific like wow. Haha.

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Spoiler alert! Sheesh :joy:

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Since when did the forums become spoiler safe? It’s how I often learn the lore before I actually learn it or experience it myself case and point most recently the Castle Nathria ending. :joy: :joy: :joy:


Back in the days before I took my hiatus starting in April I made similar posts…but instead of it being Nat it was “Nameless Night Elf Rogue NPC #78683” slipping up behind her in the middle of a battle and slipping an acid & poison coated dagger into her kidney while he whispered “Remember Teldrassil” into her ear. :wink:


Her story is not bad until the part she literally became a member of the “let´s follow the windchime preaching as if braindead” church for the lols, commits A LOT of stupid stuff that costed people their lives and ended up as the mega cookie cutter ubber special snowflake Mary Sue as a reward.

Too much stupid on that narrative for my tastes. Heck, the living Lordaeronians still demoted as refugees in Stormwind should probably demand her head considering she´s literally IGNORING them while playing Alliance super friend and Defender of the Undead Forsaken Rights!!! simultaneously.

Life isn´t fair. The game even less (I mean BfA, nuff said).

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I´m starting to see a pattern here… something you would like to confess, bud?

That thing (Golden´s notes) are SO toxically bad a Hazardous Disposal Container was probably needed.

Sylvanas´character development arc post “Arthas: Rise of the Lich King” novel is a crime against every writting practice ever done. Man, story devs as of NOW ended up villain batting to hilariously cartoonish proportions a female character whose indunction to the game made the most evident and blatant allegory to sexual abuse (cause the whole Arthas + Sylvanas stuff of WC3 was… omg). Devs up to SL, ended up villanizing a methaporical sexual abuse victim. That´s a new low.

Nathanos was fine until devs decided to make him a mega Sylvanas Simp and her husbando (ergo pre Legion lore). I actually liked how he wasn´t yet another character willing to kiss my PC´s behind just by proxy of my character existing -felt SO fresh-.

Don´t hate me, but the Tl;dr of you point is basically “I don´t care over Forsaken lore, she looks pretty and acts like a cinnamon roll so she has my vote”… well, you at least are honest in your stance and don´t try to justify it with crappy try-hard lore reasonings. That part I can respect.

I was weary of the forums before I had finished the main story campaign for this reason haha.

Lol, yea. I just say things anyways. It’s so people don’t start taking what I say seriously.

I…have refined tastes?

I get the idea behind it, but I just wanted to punch him in his dumb facial hair anytime he was on screen.

Why have Forsaken being led by Forsaken when they can put an self-insert Alliance figurehead in charge…

Cries in gutterspeak


Perhaps you should write for Blizzard, we could actually get decent storylines for a change again.

I’m guilty of often coming to the forums for the spoilers because I know someone is always going to say guess what happened? Haha.

I’m one of the realest people ever, it’s usually why people really like me or really dislike me but thank you. Lol.

I don’t usually because you are pretty chill about well pretty much everything. :yum: :yum: :yum:


I think for me, it’s easier to accept because I really only care about WoW lore in a cosmological/systemic ideology. How all the pieces fit together. How people interact… Stuff like that.

I’m not really interested in faction or race-specific lore except for how it all fits together. If that makes sense.

Except for Jaina Proudmoore.

/stares harder

Most people did… his snark actually made me laugh most of the times, I just wanted to punch his mouth when he started with the “Muh Quiinn!!” simping.

His former dialogue with the old Forsaken model in Undercity was great…

Worse, a MOMMY one? Literally the only aspect on Golden´s life that still had not been err… “explored” in game?

Wasn´t he the de facto leader in “Edge of Night” if my memory is right?

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They should had used her own troops really.

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I regret nothing!

Fair enough. I guess I get what you mean. The whole thing with Malfurion yelling Tyrande in Legion made me want to hammer nails into my nostrils.

I would, but they probably can’t afford me. :wink:


Hey out first disagreement :stuck_out_tongue:

But really, her story was always awful to me. I figured that the whole “she’s gone missing during the Arthas debacle” was a cop out but I never thought too much of it.

Then in came Legion…

Deep breath

The instant I landed at the graveyard at Tirisfal with my priest and noticed her there, I had a chill running down my spine and I asked to my guildie “What the . . . . is she doing here…?”, then, surprise surprise, it got worse.

The whole thing of her miraculously escaping ghouls sent to kill her, then the fact that she hid for several years in Southshore while, supposedly, being absolutely obvlivious of who the people the Southshore soldiers were executing skirmishes on (and I imagine she was still clueless even after the Forsaken destroyed the place but I might be wrong in this one), and the fact that, after years of staying away, ignoring her people, living in the town that attacked them constantly… she comes out and goes “My dear Lordearonians…”

After the whole thing of her turning into a Lightforged Undead and trying to pull a “Hello fellow Forsaken”, that was only the rotten cherry on the . . . . cake.

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Gal come on!!! Thaly started thirsting over the Regent Lord literally 2 minutes after touching Quel´thalas grounds. Remember the “please, my friends call me Thalyssra?” Cause I ´member. And her DEMANDING him finally paying a visit to Suramar and getting both Halduron AND Rommath to conspire against Lorthemar and in her favor? (and mind you, she literally GLOATED over that in his face) Cause I ´member that one too!!

Exactly. I probably would’ve never even got involved in the debate if they had.

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