Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I distinctly remember the topic coming up and them sort of doubling down on their defense of having had that position in the past when I inquired about it, and so of course I took to disagreeing with it because stuff like that I always was against. And the sentiment was “well it was at a time when we were just throwing ideas around and can you blame people Halduron needs more story anyways” so I got the vibe they felt they were doing Halduron justice by thinking to include him as a character like that.

So like I said I can authentically imagine they did in fact have a pikachu face like you said.

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Yeah…If I’m remembering correctly, I think there’s an official story floating around where he and Thal had a poetry contest and that was the thing that sparked the fling, so to speak.

That’s what I’ve been saying too.

Make it a thing only if they explode… I would make a VE just to sit at Telogrus and watch the fireworks.

Screams in fangirl


I am to please.

Deal. I’ll start on the paperwork.

Sure. What’s a little chaos among friends.

They’re really cute together.

Drunk on moon wine (or whatever it’s called) if I remember correctly. It’s a little short story on WoW’s homepage if anyone wants to read it.


Funnily enough, this was actually the reason I got involved with this debate in the forums in the first place haha.

I get that. I’m big into headcanon though, and since Shadowlands isn’t so oppressively anti-headcanon as BfA was, it’s easier for me to pull off.

I want to imagine my character as one of Alleria’s troops? Ok. I just headcanon that I came from Allerian stronghold to Telogrus to study the Void because my mentor, Alleria was teaching it, becoming one of the High Elf Wayfarer NPCs you see around. Then I absorbed the Void into myself, enough to gain Void powers and become playable. Bam, done.

(I actually headcanon Somand as a half elf based on the Ranger unit that was cut from the Wacraft III beta, so I tend to stretch headcanon pretty far to begin with)

As a lore and story oriented player… I can´t despise her more If I could. While you guys see a “pretty” undead model, I see Christie Golden´s new mommy pet character that ofc had to be portrayed as mega “hawt” for the self inserting factor.

Not present at the time… man, I´d loved for her to /raises brow to him just then.

O M F G… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yup, new low level on the “lack of self awareness department” indeed… wonder If they would buy my “Veeresa´s triunphant ride to CoNqUeR Quel´thalas in which she trips over herself, stabs herself with her own arrows and dies” scenario would constitute great Helf development cause you know… we hardly ever see her and she dying to comically stupid circumstances is still screentime so…


Uh… more inconsistent writing? That’s a prize, right?

:rofl: Oh dear…

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:sob: :sob: :sob:

If only this were an actual joke!!! But we both know better, don´t we?

Lost forum sister indeed, Midare.

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Please… this is the development she deserves.

From trophy wife and stepping ladder for her human BFF, to that glorious ending.


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Lol, I can’t hate Calia, I have always liked her and I have liked her even more as her story got more developed minus the whole Undead thing but it’s a pretty model like I said so I have accepted it.

LOL! That’s ice cold. :cold_face: :cold_face: :cold_face:


Poor Vereesa. I actually use to really like her in the book with her and Rhonin’s first appearance. Day of the Dragon or something. The one where they do stuff with the Red Dragon lady with the big…horns. Alex something. (Yes, I know her name… I just can’t spell it and can’t be bothered to look it up.)


The entire Lightforged Undead concept should have been DoA as soon as it was put on the table in a storyboard presentation meeting at Bliz. Calia Menethil as undead and wielding even a shred of influence over with the Forsaken should have been laughed out of the meetings and Golden’s notes fed into a woodchipper (because when you really want to make a statement a regular old paper shredder just doesn’t cut it.).


Alexstrasza, I love her as well. Lol. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

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My favorite characters have always been Sylvanas and Lor’themar… suffice to say I’m not at all happy with Calia, I’ll never be happy with Sylvanas’s story direction but I have more or less accepted it, but bringing in Undead Elf customization would go a long way towards that end… I also firmly think Forsaken should be run by Voss, Belmont, (other Forsaken) as a Council as opposed to an Alliance insert character.

As for new characters recently introduced that I have taken well to, Talanji, Thalyssra, Taelia, and Umbric all come to mind.

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I don’t disagree. Really the whole undead thing is something I’ve seen coming since she disappeared back in Arthas. But I liked her in the books she’s in, and I like her now. I think it’s okay to like characters other people don’t and vice versa.

I, for one, can’t stand Nathanos. I know it’s a hot take for sure. :joy:


You literally got an instant like just for that because I read that first and I’m the same way I hate him so much. Lol. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Although I like Sylvanas as well, I also like Calia and I know a lot of people don’t like her and that’s okay with me but if she becomes the Undead leader I will accept it because given how they have written Sylvanas the last few xpacs I don’t like it and well if she’s gone obviously someone else has to take her place so.


That’s not a hot take, there’s a lot of hate for him out there and from me as well. Having said that, I would love to see a story arc where Nat comes to find out the MarySuevanus actually can’t stand him and was using him all this time - followed by him being the one who ultimately betrays her and stuffs a dagger into each of her kidneys…followed by us getting to watch her slow, agonizing death.

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Also the dialogue lor made in the battle of lorderon clearly shows shock of them joining alliance, maybe Umbric is telling the truth?

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I would prefer Forsaken characters take the lead of Forsaken, Calia just doesn’t sit well with me.