Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

The struggle is real.

They really need to add more likes or take away the cooldown, way too many posts I want to like ATM.


My belf fire mage uses gold, since itā€™s the closest substitute.


This would be amazing.
Iā€™m sorry, I just feel the customization should remain with the fantasy. If your void, you canā€™t have the high or blood elves hair. I would like to see a mark, rune or some sort of glow affect to them however. The voids did go through a tough transformation.

At some point, If some of these skins do become available like a blood mage ect, we may get the button of what side Alli/Horde we want to join?
Maybe then all will be happy?.. Iā€™m thinking :laughing:

[laughs in shadow priest]

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Forsaken holy priests are canon, sister Midare. There was a dev statement on it. Using the Light causes them excruciating pain and as they continue to use it, they begin to regain sensation. Which is not a blessing as they smell their own rotting flesh and the maggots wriggling through them.

Anyone who doesnā€™t use green eyes is off my Christmas card list.


That is the closest for sure. Also, that transmog itā€™sā€¦ kissy fingers

I agree, I personally am in the camp that thinks that the options already available are plenty for someone wishing to RP as a High elf if they wish to. I do like Void elves looking like their own thing.

No, Iā€™ll never support this.

The horde should not lose exclusivity to one of its core races just to make some people happy.

Hm I think I do remember seeing this somewhere, as in, the pain of this is proof of their devotion or something along those lines.

However I canā€™t think of anyone outside of Faol that is a proof of this.


Iā€™m wondering between which of these two mogs to wear until I get the Necrolords set.

The one on the left is what Iā€™m wearing now, and plays more into the rough death aesthetic.

The one on the right (which Iā€™d need to farm Mythic Emerald Nightmare and Nighthold to finish), plays more into the elf theme, and has a turquoise glow to it reminiscent of the Necrolords gear. It also has skulls on the shoulders so it still has a death theme to it.


good thing blizzard disagree with you

apparently some people when given something good would go miles to only not see other people also having something good

for example me, I can share any or all alliance races with horde, dont see problem any side being happy with them

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Rhymes with Gnarlier.

Shadow is 100% the same as Void. Itā€™s not even the old name. This guy is completely waffling.


The ā€œshadow as a weaker form of voidā€ thing seems to be a common headcanon for whatever reason.


As far as I can tell Void is the physical representation of the magical force known as Shadow in the same way Necromancy is the physical representation of Death.


ok, can I have my blood elven paladin on the alliance now please ? :heart:

If they get a second visual theme would your opinion on that change?
Assuming everyone else got more options first even?

No, sorry. The rule is if you call other people wrong while youā€™re wrong youā€™re forever banned from getting the race/class combos you want.

Bad luck.

My issue with this statement is Void Elves were actually taken from Blood Elves but Nightborne werenā€™t actually taken from Night Elves so it wasnā€™t a fair trade first time around, why would we want to do it again?

Forget Thalassian Elves for a second. What about the sad state of the Nightborne?




Nightborne got screwed.

I had a guy the other day completely unironically tell me that the reason it was fair that Nightborne didnā€™t get anything while void elves, their Alliance equivalent, got so much is because orcs got upright backs in BFA.

thatā€™s cringe

Check their post history for more.