Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

The theory is that there are two people argueing on different alts that’s keeping this thread alive

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Liadrin is good waifu material. She’s no Jaina or Calia, but not far off.

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There’s no evidence of this being the case. They used fel energies to create batteries and aided in the siphoning of Light energies in a time of dire national crisis, but even Khadgar is shown to break out fel energy if that’s what is needed.

We have post-BC magisters who jokingly complain about not using fel crystals anymore, meaning they stopped using fel when it was no longer necessary.

If so then why did they find the Reliquary to find artifacts of magical power, and mention using them for weapons?

I can understand they don’t use fel batterries anymore because fel, while powerful, has more down-sides then beneficial ones. The magister’s would also still lean more on the arcane side of things and looks at things like a scientist looks at them.

By original I was referring to WCII.

Dwarves, gnomes and High Elves were introduced to the Light by humans, who relearned how to use it because a Naruu came to one of their spiritual leaders dreams and told him what the Light was.

You are right they did not follow it as closely as the other members of the Alliance, but they still did and still do.

They said the most devout get the new color. That does not mean those who believe but not as much still do not worship the Light.

Its actually really weird because they are all Magisters before the trap but they have different classes after. :stuck_out_tongue: I almost missed it at the time.

In either case we do have Magister, Rangers, (probably some warlocks as well), and warriors in the Rift with purple skin. So they must have been a cluster of classes.


First of all the Reliquary is not the magisters. Secondly they’re no different to the Explorer’s League.

First, [citation needed]. Secondly in a universe where the existence of the Light is observable fact, there is nothing unscientific about trying to get on its good side.

[citation needed], priests were the major elven addition to the wc3 Alliance unit tree.


Warcraft light can be used for good and evil, I doubt you’d need to be on it’s “good” side when you have a font of half arcane and half holy you can pool from anyways. They can experiment on it without worship, just like the gnomes.

Incorrect. They are not fully magister’s, but they do not seek study of history in the same manner as the explorer’s league, their core objective is to find magical relics to use either as weapons or to experiment with. I’m starting to think your looking at the blood elves as alliance lite.

possible, but I don’t think it’s as major a thing for BE as many players wants it to be.

Oh I agree, in fact the only reason in WC3 there was any HE looking to be paladins was more out of curiosity on how they could use it to help their society rather then actual worship.

Might explain how I missed it. But I suppose they needed to stick them in somewhere to make the classes work on the initial batch. But yeah they where mostly magister’s there.

[citation needed]

The Cataclysm game manual just said they sought out magical relics.

And again, the Reliquary is a separate organisation to the Magisters.

Hunting the unknown, discovering the lost, knowing the forgotten. The Explorers' League of Ironforge is redoubling its efforts to learn the secrets of the past. The league has begun teaching the discipline of archaeology to all members of the Alliance in a bold attempt to procure as many ancient relics as possible. This initiative is being matched by the campaign of the Reliquary -- a Horde faction formed from an unknown council based in Silvermoon. The Reliquary is training members of the Horde in the art of the dig and challenging them to find any and all artifacts of historical significance before the Explorers' League does. Each side now jockeys for position, relishing in the chase, vying for control of time-lost relics, and jealously guarding any valuable information the objects may impart.

I’m sorry you seem to think not being evil somehow equates to being like the Alliance.

The Alliance is not good and the Horde isn’t evil.


I do not think that at all. I know horde is not “evil”. Your looking at BE as alliance lite.

There is litteral reliquiry npc’s in WoD that states exactly what I state they do. Stop trying to put a mini alliance into horde. Let the horde have it’s own personality.

From gamepedia;

The Reliquary makes its debut following the Cataclysm. Under the leadership of High Examiner Tae’thelan Bloodwatcher, the Reliquary seeks to support its Horde allies, to honor its past, and to continue the task for which it was created - the acquisition of powerful magical artifacts.[5]

Are you seriously accusing me of wanting the Horde to be some copy of the Alliance because I don’t think the Reliquary is trying to weaponise history?

Your own source there says nothing about trying to make weapons. It says what I said, they’re archaeologists.


Looks at the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow

Sorry buddy, it seems that blizz ruining your concept it’s not enough, people even forgets why you even exist.

Pats the poor beaten cult.


And what’s this personality the Horde should have in your eyes? The “Everything’s a weapon” kind?

Because that’s what it sounds like… and that’s not what the Horde is. It would also help if you stopped seeing everything in such a “black and white” fashion, nuances exist.


Can I get an f in the chat for 10 years of playing a Forsaken priest ruined by Legion?

The old noble savages is what I likened the horde to be, though BE don’t fit that, they should still not be a carbon copy of alliance themes. In this case, he is stating the The reliquary is an exact copy of the explorer’s league but horde side.

That’s what they are made for though. Quite literally. You want them to be something they are not, an exact replica of the explorer’s league. Not one once of the reliquary’s lore is a copy of them luckily.

I feel sorry for your loss, blizz shouldn’a did what they did to them.

BE themes are BE themes, and now make those themes Horde by virtue of being Horde.

Are we going to say Alliance can’t have magic themes now because that’s a BE theme by virtue of BEs being the HE arcane using descendants that taught the Alliance?

I don’t follow your train of thought here at all honestly.


Really though, the Horde doesn’t really have an overarching theme. I would argue that even the alliance doesn’t really.

Yea Orc/Tauren/Troll are all very similar. But both Horde Elves and Forsaken are really different. So are Pandarans, Goblins, and (arguably) Vulpera.

Same with Ally:

Yea, Dwarves, Humans, and even Worgen have similar feels, but Space Goats, Elves, Gnomes all have different themes that define them culturally.


I would argue redemption and rebirth. Every Horde race to some extent (with the exception of Pandas) is trying to rebuild themselves either morally, physically or both.


Alliance can, but not by the high amount as BE has, and vice versa when it comes down to the light.

It’s not each others cultures anyways. BE has always, even before they took the name, been heavily influenced by arcane, and should stay that way, with little bits of other themes like ranger druidism and the holy light.

Personally each race having it’s own personality makes the game fun.

The Pandas are probably trying to rebuild their booze supply. Does that count?