Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

lol got me this time, I fixed it.

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This is my feeling also, but not just when it’s misspelt.

Did the elves take your eye too?

Exiles Reach has its own Horde version, and Alliance version so that doesn’t make sense, if BEs received this text Snowsong pointed out it was intentional for Horde Paladins at the very least but that would still include BEs in that thought process. And are BE Paladins not the original Horde Paladin? So this text definitely would be applicable.


Also it’s worth noting that belf pallies are the only ones who worship the Light directly. Tauren worship An’she and Zandalari worship Rezan.


ok, but it’s simply easier to make one general text then making one for each race.

The ones that worship light, does so through the sunwell, not in the same manner as the alliance counterparts.

Just because the humans and blood elves have different religious practices doesn’t mean that the blood elves aren’t religious.


Tell that to this quest. And the Legion class hall. And Liadrin. And the Argent blood elf npcs in pre-patch.

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Okay but what I am saying to you is even if we go with your argument that it was a general for Paladin, they made Exiles Reach Faction specific, so the Horde side Paladin quest is intentional for Horde Paladins and BEs are the staple Horde Paladin, so even if we go with your outlook you still confirm what Snowsong said anyways.

They made class specific stuff in Exiles Reach, they also acknowledge your race in a new updated cut scene and how it fits in with your faction, so I am inclined to still emphasize / agree with Snowsongs outlook, but in the end it makes no difference because even a generalization of the quest still makes it intentional for the Horde side Paladins.

Also very much this, the quest if anything would even from a general standpoint lean BE (which would suck for the Tauren Paladins in Exiles Reach and I don’t think was Blizzards intention for new players learning about both game mechanics and lore), but I am more leaning to Snowsongs outlook of it being intentional, the new start is supposed to be both a tutorial game wise and lore wise about your class and race and how you fit in, so I don’t see how that can be just a “this is just a general meaningless text” outlook.

But I do agree with you Grabbag, I was just going off of the argument that was presented that it was a generalized quest, because I believe even from that POV it still confirms what Snowsong originally said.


flavor text for generic use.

Which has all paladins in it, with the tuaren’s saying it is odd that they are there.

Bad character, goes religious, then not, and religous again?

I didn’t see any, but every race is in the argent crusade so this one is moot.

not really… They lost their “staple horde paladin” when tuaren and zandalari trolls became paladins. Heck, I don’t even see human paladins as staple alliance paladins.

Somewhat, I disagree with BE paladins, but remember also, all trolls is also considered dark spear trolls in it, dispite the customizations not being so!

But my opinion is mine, and yours is yours so I guess we can agree to disagree on that.

it is, just like how everyone wants to kill turalyon, cause reasons.

People think that he’d make a good Light villain, since he’s so zealous. I don’t care which way they go with him personally, as long as they do it well.

That and the fact that he’s done stuff like use the Light to hold a refugee down during torture.

how is he zealous? You want zealous? Look at the scarlet crusade. Heck, sometimes liadrin is more zealous then him.

Also, he kinda talked trash to my baby momma (Jaina), soooo… he’s gotta go.

I’m not so sure since after the Sunwell was restored the the more aggressive quotes spoken by the Blood Knight trainers were deliberately reworded; now referencing only in their faith in the light as their source of empowerment with no mention of the naaru.

It’s pretty clear the direction they’ve being driven in narratively at this point, anyone “bending” the light to their control with anything more than faith would be a minority because we have literally no evidence or example of it happening in game or lore.


This is pretty much true, as far as I have seen, Belf Paladins really have just kind of become very standard as far as their portrayal. After the Naaru sacrifice and everything.