Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Hes bigger than me. I can’t afford to pull punches. Gotta take them down quick before they get it in their heads they’re in charge. :stuck_out_tongue:

(Vidris is my alt mind >.>)


Wait, is this thread Nightborn Territory now?

Because if so, it needs fancier benches and more throw pillows.

(Sledge… whose nightborn would probably run away from all of her other toons including the gnomes.)


I’ve only ever paragoned Nightfallen once. I got the Leywoven Carpet from it.

…I think Blizzard wants me to roll a Nightborne.


I usually try to steer away from other peoples’ characters, but the central concept for Vierard is “is basically Rincewind minus beard or orangutan friend”.

I have that and the drake, but of course what I really want is the hippogryph.

Every now and again I resentfully drag myself to Legion for dailies on the paragon mounts I don’t have.

…in Shadowlands, I’ll be dragging myself to Pandaria for the invasion rates. Eh.

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Oh my.

The NPC’s skin colour is so damn good. Like how were they unable to replicate it?

and why are their ears pointing down but ours only up…

We need to be a bit thicker and get a bigger chest. Out butt is actually good, improved from nelves’.

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Maybe I should verify this later… ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

They put a lot more effort into Nightborn than void elves.

…results were rather mixed.

Hunny, the ones on the right are not Nightborne. Those are just Night Elves trying bad voodoo from the Blood Trolls.

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All they had to do was copy blood elf. But that was too much to ask for.

I’m so glad they didn’t just do that.


“You can’t quote that whole post.”

Come on, it was two sentences!


Well…we’ll just tell the guards you are a blood elf ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Yeah. nightborne really backfired.

We should’ve been a neutral race at the end of BFA Thalyssra goes to horde because she’s horny for Lor’Themar. Oculeth goes Alliance because he likes gnomes intelligence.

We get a unique and well done elf model. We rule over the other elves. Everybody is happy.


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Somand, roll a nightborn.

Customization is extremely limited, but their voices and lore are great. And while there’s some odd bits of the model, I played a Cata female worgen and it’s genuinely nowhere near THAT bad.


I had a Priest, but I axed her for a Pandaren.

At the moment, my only Nightborne is a DK on an off server.

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I just made a Zandalari Paladin :hugs:

They are my favorite AR I think besides VEs


I mean, contractually I have to say Dark Iron.

…but I do actually have more Zandalari than anything else in the allied race pool.

I can’t help it they’re so good

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My priest started as a NB-VE- (currently stuck as a NE as you know) - soon to be VE again.

I like the NB silhouette for shadow form a lot even on the guys which is what my NB was.

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And Valtrois can be with me-- cough I mean… uh, Stellagosa. Yes, that’s what I meant.

Kul’tirans are best playable race. This is know.

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