Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

That is still really good, and it looks really nice.

Customizations yes, more encroachments into the BE main theme? That’s wishful thinking on your part.

No, we will end up with High Elven customisations for Void Elves. After all, it does make sense, since it was actually the Etherals that transformed Umbric and his followers in the first place, and not the void itself.

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So did you ever answer the question that someone asked about why you feel that can’t be done as of now? There is a reason you didn’t get the hair colors and hair styles :roll_eyes: it’s called a compromise.

Literally nothing you just said here makes sense. They are Void Elves that is their main theme, you don’t get entitlement to unparalleled access to two themes, you have RP tools.

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Good to know! Thank you!

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I really like it . Would be great option as Void elf to have it



I can’t right click on my iPad so I just have to link it like this.



Thank you!


That’s awesome! I want that armour colour too now.


I figured I’d give recoloring it a shot!


Very nice!


That is the sentiment given in said interview, yes, but sadly we don’t have actual confirmation for if/when it’ll actually be happening any time soon.

That being said though, the interview was in regard to High Elf aesthetics specifically for both races, so people are definitely free to make requests delving further into the High Elf aesthetic for both races.

I myself would prefer to see Alliance assets used for their natural options, to provide both distinction from Blood Elves and to make them look more like members of the Alliance visually.


And others are free to request that does not occur.

Void Elves should be Void Elves. Those who want to rp another race should not garner the lions share of customization options when/if an AR customization pass comes along.

Wanting to keep the Void Elves Voidy is a valid request all its own.


We never wanted void elves. Now we are getting more options to correct this and more are confirmed coming when they do the void elf pass.

I’m sure there is a reason… but none of us can say what that reason is.

It could just be that further options for Void Elves will have to wait until allied races get focused on. It could also be that Blizzard doesn’t intend to give Void Elves any traditional hair colors.

But the fact that they didn’t get them with the skins doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

It’s not like any of us expected the skins to begin with. So please try not to word your post as if you have some insight into what Blizzard’s reasons are for doing what they do.


Speak for yourself and yourself alone.

I only came back to wow for Void Elves…

We have no confirmations on what is or is not coming in later customization passes.


I would use a spray bottle gif again but honestly… I think you need to air dry a little after so many.


Are you going to say this every time someone who talks about the likelihood of hairstyles as well? Or just people who make the case as to why it’s plausible it shouldn’t and won’t be?

Gonna say anything here Nico? Or silence?

This seems more explicitly acting as if there is insight into Blizzard :confused: hmmm guess you missed that. But me loosely alluding to there being a reason you don’t have the hair, thats just too much for you?

I agree. Using Alliance assets on the Void Elves would be better.

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Are you going to keep saying we can’t ask for certain hair colors because what we already got was a “compromise” and we should be satisfied with that, when the word “compromise” has not been mentioned by the devs? Nor have the devs said anything about this or that hair color being off-limits to Void Elves?