Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I get it for free through my school for now. When I don’t I get everything they make for 20/mo because student.

Lucky you.

I’m stuck with c6 because I refuse to pay Adobe monthly for permission to get work done.

I wouldn’t get your hopes up. While PS might be a bit to learn, they actually pay people to design the interface to be easier to use, at least last I used it GIMP didn’t really spend much time worrying about that sort of stuff.

When did you last use GIMP? It’s pretty much had the same interface since I started using it around eight years ago or so.

It’s pretty bland, but functional enough for me to stumble my way through.

Here’s a picture of the interface for reference.

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You make it sound like they didn’t just appease you though, that’s the main corner stone of why in addition to BEs feeling shafted I am very against further infringements from BEs main theme to “appease” people who can’t be appeased, all the while BE fans have what to show for it?

So I find it important to point that out and voice that, to protect what BEs have left.

To promote VE customization via void options, and things like

This I’ve been supportive of on the basis of it fitting VEs.

As well as

This idea.

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Thank you! May try my hand at it one of these days.

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May have been longer than that. I just remember hearing a good deal that while GIMP was very capable at the stuff, that it was a lot less convenient to use than PS was

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I use procreate on my ipad. One time payment of 10 dollars.

paint(dot)net? i seem to recall something about that.

eek, why’s it clickable. erm…fixed it, i think. p a i n t . n e t
wow its old. but still being updated as of october 2020

Kul Tiran, Human, Night Elves, etc

I wouldn’t mind some of those assets actually for the Void Elves. We could just reuse the assets already on Alliance, and the colours as well, and have a fair bit of fun.

Though the one hair style I want for the Void Elves is one of the new hair styles the Night Elves have got.


I still use Pant(dot)NET. And I’m using pretty much an outdated version too :smiley:

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Just want to start off saying that I completely agree with the majority of you’ve said so far concerning your stance on hair colors and you did a great job in conveying it.

As far as Kul Tiran assets go, the hair colors are definitely on point, so I’d definitely like to see some of these tones added and they make probably the best candidate.

I would also like to see more Void tones added as well of course, a nice light blue being one and a violet tinged white/silver would be my top choices for this.

As far as Kul Tiran styles go however, while I wouldn’t mind one or two of them, I’d prefer using assets from other Alliance races in tandem, largely Night Elf and Draenei for me personally.

This idea does actually hold a lot of potential, both for Void Elves and Blood Elves.
This is a great concept that I believe should actually be it’s own layer of customization on top of actual hair color.

Of course giving Void Elves the aspects you’ve suggested, but Blood Elves could also capitalize off of this idea as well, giving them some light, fiery, and even fel or mana infused options.

This would be a great way to truly make Void Elves and Blood Elves more distinct and reinforce their respective identities.


People playing race A advocating a monopoly on something over race B.

Sounds just like real life to be honest. :thinking:

Let’s just keep asking for more customization for all playable races rather than gatekeeping customization for the sake of feeling special.


I’m actually pretty shocked at anyone who would like this and endorse alluding to real life wrong doing because people aren’t okay with you getting 100% of someone else’s things.

But if you want real life analogies does this mean people who have been pushing for things have a problem with understanding no means no?

What about obsessions with “pure” blonde hair blue eyed elves?

Like when was this “sounding like real life to you” but you somehow missed your own real life analogies?


Everyone should knock off the real life analogies crap. It’s just pointless demonizing.


I hope you don’t think that’s what I was trying to do I just think it’s pretty shameless to bring it up with the point of demonizing people and then fail to talk about your own side (not meaning you).

Not to mention some of the people pushing for HEs have whole post histories in other threads which are also real life analogy telling.

So it really just is distasteful to be the one to bring it up like your own side doesn’t stink (again not meaning you).


That applies to all, yes?


Of course.

I didn’t think so, but the post kind of comes across that way. You shouldn’t bring up how the other side could be seen just because yours was insulted. It just looks like fighting insults with insults.


I think it’s important to point out if someone is going to bring it up yeah. And people are going to sit and like that comment? It’s been up for two hours so I said what I said.