Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I use the golden eyes on my mage, cause they’re the closest I can get to fiery. I always play this character as fire spec. One of the few characters I never change specs on.

(This is Somand/Deemspring)


I like the Golden Eyes more than I used to too, like I liked them before but now I have the face I want at least.

And I like fire and arcane my two favs :heart: I can never play frost idk if it just doesn’t sell its class fantasy to me.

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I rather enjoy that aspect of your character. Despite his fel powers, the sunwell is still fueling him with energies and showing through.

Its a nice story point.

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Completely unrelated to OP’s topic: Funny you say that. I have felt for some time that Blizz should merge some specs across classes to reduce the net number of specs to balance (i.e. keeping their rotations the same with only their class specific utility separate). :zipper_mouth_face:

Not that gave much more detailed thought about it or believe it would ever happen. But it probably stem out of wanting new classes and yet not having blizz overwhelmed by the number of specs to balance.

Yes, being able to choose eye colour independently of face is amazing. I also like how there’s 3 different gold colours available. I really like this deep gold I’m using on my Paladin.

(This is Somand/Deemspring)


The elf issue is more like: “Hey, we Arms Warrior players do not want Ret Paladins available because using plate armor and a double-handed weapon for DPS is our thing.”


Awe thank you. I figure it takes a lot of years for eye color to wear off :wink:

But really I would have tried the two color options if I could choose one golden and one green, but the option doesn’t work like that.

The blue eyes were fun, they were cute definitely I thought it was fun I liked the beat. But it’s back to my Golden eyes!

Blood Elves and High Elves are a lot more similar than Arms Warriors and Ret Paladins.

I can make a Ret Paladin and a Arm Warrior look exactly alike if I want. They are still different at their core.

Until you do literally anything in combat beyond auto-attacking.

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Just like blood and high elves would have different factions, racials and class selection.

Faction is one of the biggest systems that influence your options in the game.

And, besides, this discussion was about looks or systems anyway?

I do hope they add that option eventually. For all race. Mix and match the eye colors and such along with adding in Blind options for ALL colors and sides.

Technically this current line is about the similarity between the looks to a system and how its equal or not equal.

Eh, my take anyways. I saw what they meant by it.


Yeah I would like one green eye and one golden to represent my character better.

Well I’d like red eyes but in this situation you know…


One of the things I desperately want. Dark ranger or no for Blood Elves.


I am not sure which Gold I am using tbh, it’s my favorite though I think it’s the one that glows the brightest.

I think that’s colour 2. I’m using colour 1 on Galahad.

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Yes I believe you are right it is option 2!

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I use the blind eyes a lot because they just look silvery grey to me and I love that. I will be switching to purple on a lot of belves though!


That’s just, like, your opinion man

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That’s a funny example, because arms warriors are pretty much what Retribution used to be. :slight_smile:

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