Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

They sorta use an inverted one for their symbol.

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I kinda want Old god eyes as a customization now, and like an ability to speak my voice emotes in Shath’yar… I like allseeing eyes and all but wish I could have it permanently without the forehead eyeball zit…

Wonder if we’ll get face tentacles…

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Void Elves would probably be accused of “stealing” from the Draenei if they did. :stuck_out_tongue:


Tentacle eyebrows.


did you folks see my post earlier? not good or good? it looks very cool in action. to test it yourself, go get in a fight with blacksting in zangarmarsh and wait till he stings, then you can see it first hand

here’s the post
hey was questing in zangamarsh outlands, and got a quest to kill blacksting. named thusly because if he gets a chance to sting, you turn totally black except for some fx, like the gems on my staff, and have swirly green stuff around your hands.

it dawned on me that this would be a cool entropic embrace form, especially for velf rogues and locks.


Not my style but as an option I’m all for it.

its like a void is where you should be. haha
you could spice it up by experimenting with mog fx to see which ones show up.



You get a like.

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kinda vaderish too lol
wonder what it looks like with long flowing cloak and those fiery lightsaber swords. forget the name
edge edge edge

One of the things I want for all three races are sets of tattoos that match them!

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technically, there’s four races yet they are all the same race. however, they are aesthetically and/or mechanically, different.
so we have blood elves who wish to embrace the fel, blood elves who wish to embrace the high elf, void elves who wish to embrace the void, void elves who wish to embrace the high elf. thats 4 possible themes too

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Sure but the Blood Elf’s Horde side is not representing ‘High Elves’ the culture that split from Silvermoon who changed in WC3 and the events after. If you join Silvermoon you are represented as a Blood Elf, the race is the same as High Elves and even the eye color is the same now.

Where Void Elves are representing two groups, VE and High Elves with the recent change who are physically and culturally different from each other. I find it pretty weird as is that High Elves decided to use Void Magic and joined the Blood Elves considering the reasoning for why they split from Silvermoon.

Yeah no neither is that fair for the AR to get two visual themes. But no where was it promised High Elves in their entirety, and I hope Blizzard doubles down on giving the “Wayfarers” as a RP tool but not entitlement to the main theme of Blood Elves.

Maybe they changed their minds.

you look fantastic. :clap:

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You can find that weird all you like. The wayfarers and scholars prove its true.

You play Alliance, you’re a Void Elf. you can rp passably as a high elf if you want.

You play Horde, you’re a Blood Elf, you can rp passably as a high elf if you want.

I do agree with this. There should have been some sort of counter balance to the Blood Elves.

Right now Void Elves constitute an option for Void Elf and the sub race High Elf. (Even if technically still a void elf)

Blood Elves would be just one since they’re all high elves regardless.


part of the problem may be they’ve had a massive brain drain, with the former president of blizzard forming his own company and taking a bunch of blizz devs with him. this will slow up everything.

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I feel like when Blizzard does the AR pass for Shadowlands they will probably give Blood Elves something more in trade if they give Allaince players more hair tones. I really hope Blizzard give y’all Dark Ranger options, or something along those lines. That way we could both have two themes to choose from one that we share and one that we both have just to us. I hope we both new hair styles that are different from each other, and when we Allaince players get any future hair tones for our velfs/helfs they will be from other Allaince races.

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I loved that concept someone shared back in this thread where they separated customization themes into their own tabs on the character creation screen. It could greatly simplify the character customization process and give both sides space for a ton more options. Blood elves for example could have dark ranger, san’layn, sunsworn (or however you want to call the light-leaning blood elves), ect, on their own tabs after selecting blood elf on the character creation screen.

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