Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

high elf ranger and ranger lord hawkspear planning to kill nathanos!
now that we can be high elves and nathanos is our enemy we should be friends again :smiley:

I uploaded it to Imgur so I could link it for you.

thank you very much!

Very much what Cezol said. There’s a “wet” aspect to their hair that’s personally a massive turn off for me.

Good for the people that like those styles. I just don’t. My first reaction seeing some of those styles were, “Looks like they haven’t showered in years”.

I do admit, there are a number of hair styles i quite like. But that only totals in 4 - 2 for the males, and 2 for the females. Dark Tides, Restraint, Melancholy and Scandal.

The “gothic” emphasis in the hair, i also am not a fan with. I’m not a Goth, nor have i ever been one or will i ever be. So, identifying with a character atm can be a bit tricky.

So… that’s how i see it. I also don’t see much “modern” but that’s just me, except for maybe Restraint and Melancholy.


I don’t actually have much of a problem with the female hairstyles, there’s just a couple that aren’t for me.

I can see how people could take issue with some of the male styles though.

I myself would actually consider some of the styles dated, either harkening to 90s grunge/goth or even having a Victorian feel in the case of a couple of the females.

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Greasy isn’t the right word to use for it and never was because a lot of the styles pull from modern hairstyle trends that the hairstyles derive from so I find it extremely suspect.


They’re along the same lines as the ‘soaked’ hairstyle as they’re obviously intended to look messy looking. Some of the hairstyles could be considered modern, though I’d consider many to be retro/Victorian with a couple drawing on fantasy aspects.


I think i might like the Female styles a little more, if we had the option for a tentacle toggle. Combined with the natural hair tones - as per the Talendrion mock ups i mentioned earlier.

The males on the other hand are… a bit more difficult personally. The receeding hair does it for me.

I agree. I can definitely see the 90s in some of the hair styles. I’m not to sure about the Victorian though personally, then again, im not well knowledgable on the era.

That’s your opinion, Lann. At the end of the day, the customisation options are purely a matter of subjective opinions. Everyone will feel differently about everything.

As i said earlier, my initial reaction upon seeing some of the hair were “looks like they haven’t showered in years” - that’s why i use the word “greasy” to describe them. You cannot tell me it’s the wrong word to use, because it’s how i see it. Again, it’s a subjective opinion.

If you see it differently, and you enjoy them, then good for you. I just don’t feel the same way.


It has nothing to do with “opinion” cas, the description words used to describe hairstyles as “greasy” “unwashed” “unshowered” when they specifically pull from modern influences like laid baby hairs there are connotations of those descriptive words aligned with the hairstyles you’re describing.

Hyper said it much better than you when she elaborated she simply didn’t like the modernity of the hairstyles and wanted more fantasy Elf hair styles, thats an example of disliking the hair without continuing to call it greasy, unshowered, etc. so no you clearly misunderstand when I take issue with the word greasy, as you seem to think its me disagreeing that you can’t have an opinion.


I believe I remember these? I agree that they’d be easier to embrace with a toggle and some natural colors, or even just lighter colors in general, I feel boxed into one look as far as hair goes.

I definitely agree.

I’m not sure if Victorian is the right term, but it’s the closest I can think of, the prime example being style 4 for females, which also happens to be my go to, so I by no means mean this as a bad thing. I feel like a baroness or something with that hairstyle.

Ooohh, you’re referring to people having their edges styled. I don’t honestly think there’s any correlation between messy void elf hair and edges as I don’t think the Void Elves have edges, most certainly not the males. I know a couple of the new female skins for Humans have edges, but beyond that I don’t really see them anywhere else. I also don’t think a lot of people would consider edges as greasy nor do I think a lot of people here on the forums would know what you’re referring to either.

These are what Lann is referring to as far as baby hairs go;


And ingame;

Those are what I am referring to yes minus the black hairstyles its still baby hairs, the baby hairs being laid is popular with many different celebrities including Kim Kardashian, etc, and I find the fact that many of the female hairstyles have that particular trend, and the connotation to continue to call them greasy, unshowered, unwashed etc. considering where the trend comes from.

And yes I would agree the males do not have this however, I have seen people take issue with the particular laid edges before on the female characters as examples, and we tend to generally talk about the VE hair as one topic so.

Here it what I mean obviously Eurocentric hair, still laid baby hair.

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This is not the vibe I get from them at all.

There are a few male ones that are somewhat… rocker ish. The long one that covers the face on both sides for instance.

I don’t see greasy. Much like Lann I mostly see a more modern take on hair styles centered around a more goth aesthetic.

I do like this idea and hope it comes down the line. Even for my Blueberry Velf I don’t like having tentacles.

I would like less widows peak style hairstyles.

I do not want to put words in your, or anyone elses, mouth but I can tell you the way you and many others use the word greasy feels, again to me and not saying you are actually doing this, like its a way to speak of those hairstyles in a negative light since you do not like them.

Again. That is how it feels like to me when the vast majority of people call Void Elf hairstyles greasy and unkempt. If thats not you, then pay me no mind.


And when I think greasy I think of the males, with the whole 90s rocker/grunge look.

As far as females go I see refinement and class, a kind which I personally equate to a noblewoman of sorts rather than modern day chic, but that’s just me. I also don’t really see edges per se, but again that’s just me.

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For the females especially I do, the slick pony tails from Ariana Grande to Kim K are popular etc. I get very modern vibes from hence why it’s obvious to me as far as my conclusion with the laid hairs on the VE hair

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I don’t look at the hair design and immeditely think of where the design comes from. That’s the last thing i think about, and i was sharing my initial reaction.

If thats where they got their inspiration from, then okay. Im not having a go at what people do IRL though, only sharing my thoughts about what was translated into the game.

Now you’re grasping at straws and looking for hidden meanings. I don’t like some of the hair. Plain and simple.

I don’t understand what you’re trying to even imply anyway.

Cool, so do I. I want more hair styles that I’d prefer, more styles that i can identify with for MY character. Have styles that are for the fantasy, i want my elf to have. And ultimately, i want more variety in general to create a whole range of differing aesthetics for my characters.

Thank you Seles, i still don’t understand how it has anything to do with Void Elves? I don’t see baby hairs on them… At all.

Perhaps, “wetness” is a better term? Im not trying to be negative when i use the word “greasy” or imply anything bad.

Literally took the words out of my mouth. Thank you!


Idk the same people who disagree over the diverse skin tones, are the first ones to like not just yours but any posts calling VE styles Greasy, Unshowered, etc. Hence why again I find it suspect, and take issue with those description words, but if your pride is more important than changing how you describe the hair by all means I’m not going to stop you at least now someones shown what I’m talking about so you can see where it comes from, and I’ve shown how people emulate those styles.

Just do you I guess, I think its fair to not like the hair styles I just question some peoples choice of words for it, again not you in particular but you seem to be thinking as much and applying your use of the word as if its an issue with you, you just happened to be the person today that used the word, and I took issue with it and yes Sel described what I was talking about I showed examples as well.

Hmm. Not sure wetness is better or not. Lol

Knowing you do not just mean it to be negative about something… Not of the High elf fantasy as it were is enough for me to accept that you mean it genuinely.

I am concerned that others only have such views as a means to “delete void elves” as its often what it feels like.

Baby hairs are typically styled right on the skin though right? The majority of these however are not, so I don’t really consider these laid baby hairs.

I will say that they seem similar and if that’s how someone views their character, then that’s absolutely fine, but I did break down why I don’t view them as baby hairs.

Being able to navigate through contemporary pop culture definitely seems to help.

As far as the whole female edges thing goes, I just don’t think everyone is aware of said concepts nor are they as savvy when it comes to contemporary divas as you and I may be so they don’t make the connection. I only realized what you were referring to when you said baby hairs, which I typically have heard referred to as edges.


I don’t think so either, until its the same people in other threads who are against BE skin tones being diverse, or humans etc I’ve seen a number of HE fans against those things and then be in here calling the VE hair greasy, especially since it derives from a certain style from a certain group of people, and I do see the influences of the styles.

People have described that style as being stuck to their face which it already looks like some of my examples I gave to me anyways. I understand people won’t make that jump which is why I have on many times tried to see if people could use other words to describe it, but at some point its like okay let me try to explain why, especially why I find it suspect, not from everyone but you know.