Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I LOVE this make-up! They should add similar make-up for Blood Elves in return.


the row at the bottom is so good, it even improves the blue skin by a huge amount. can you make one of those examples for belfs? i dont think they got make up options

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Farstrider Hanzo from Heroes of the Storm. I just saw this, I cannot believe I never saw it before. Man I would love to get the Hairstyle for Blood Elf males along with the beard, and mustache. Also the tattoo is awesome and would love to see it as an option as well.

Also i was watching the behind the scenes making of Blood elves and saw these

Those Hairstyles are awesome why didn’t we get them? Blizzard if you are listening please add these Hairstyles.
Also is this proof that Blood Elfs can become shaman’s thus Void Elfs can as well?


NPCs are rule breaking jerks. :cry:



Blood elf and void elf shamans would be a dream come true :smile:

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I’m down for Thalassian Shamans. Nightborne Druids would be awesome too.

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Lord please free me from all these elves

sure :innocent:

I love a majority of those hairstyles. Give me!


Sure I can give it a go. If its up to me though their makeup will look much different as I specifically gave the void elves the deathrock/goth/glam look.


Hey so

I have a mock up request

Are/do you take requests by any chance? I couldn’t do it with mouse and keyboard in MS Paint so it’s beyond my skill level.

Completely unrelated to the thread btw, just thought this was the best place


I wish there was a dreadlocks option. I mean
 you know those death knights aren’t showering.


Sometimes. What did you have in mind?


In this picture, I was wanting the blue scales on the neck/tail turned into red, and the white on the neck turned into black/brown like the rest of the skin.

The idea was to look more like this:

I just realized the shading might make things difficult uh
You can use another picture if you want, like a model viewer shot (can provide if need be), but that one is preferred


I realize you asked Somand to do it, but I figured I’d give it a shot myself.


I’m gonna be super nitpicky, the tail still has some blue

That looks really good though.


How’s this?


Thanks, that’s perfect. I’m gonna need to figure out how to do this some day.

The sethrak thread will probably like that quite a bit.


I use GIMP to make mockups.

For this particular one I used the lasso to highlight the blues, then used the colourize tool to make the tattoos red (as just changing hue sometimes, as in this case, makes the colour look funny) then I added a little saturation to make the red pop and darkened them a little so they weren’t too bright.

And of course, the best possible advice I can give when editing images in general, make sure to separate what you’re changing into layers. So after I highlighted the runes and the neck, I pasted them on to another layer, just in case I want to have access to the original later.

I also pasted the rune layer above the neck layer so that I didn’t have to get too crazy when selecting the neck itself.