Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

It’s very mean and for what? What did it gain those people? But I have my thoughts on the people who try to talk about lore in regards to why we shouldn’t have diverse skin tones. Just sad to hear.


That’s sad, I can’t stand people who just want to stomp on someone’s player agency. I think one could pull some interesting looks with the dark colors, especially with the blue eye options. I do like the olive option myself.

And yes there are dark skinned Thalassians in lore.

These would be my top picks for the next Demon Hunters as well. Draenei Demon hunters would be sickening.


The concept of blood knight when they had the Naaru trapped in Silvermoon was nuts and really showed you the desperation the blood elves had to survive, it really separated them from Quel’dorei, they most definitely were not that anymore. The paladin class quests were so good. Can’t wait to play one if they add a BC server. That is what really was interesting about them.

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Definitely what I loved about blood elf paladins. Then we got lamed.

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i’m excited to make my chocolate mage with purple eyes and white hair. just need the white hair part


:sparkling_heart: tbc

could go the botanist route, where they arent part of the druid circle. instead they can do similar things using science, essentially

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I hope you have a good experience and that people don’t bother you about it because that was really hard to watch that elf player get bullied :frowning:

eh as a teenager, people use to call me motown, and it wasnt meant as a compliment at the time. many didnt even know my real name. lol i was always like…i love the motown records music…thats a compliment to me. :sparkling_heart:

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Somehow WoW landed pretty firmly in the middle of the culture wars. There was always a strange under current to that about High Elf skins too.

Just wait for some bad character names attached to black skinned characters.

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Is this on a rp server? If I found that happening on my servers…which hardly anyone talks to each other so probably not, I’d make sure all my Blood Elfs were black from here on out.

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According to blizz some blood knights still draw the Light from the Sunwell the way they did from the naaru. Not all of them regained their faith, so you can RP that fairly easily if the need takes you.

I recently decided I was gonna make a dark skinned bald high elf Wayfarer who joined to follow Alleria. Going with Shadow Priest.

He’s beautiful.


I want to see!


It was on the PTR. It was also the first and only interaction involving a black elf that I had seen. So I am hoping that it was coincidence and not the new normal for the game.

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I hope this works… I’m inexperienced with using this model viewer thing.


Looking good!


He looks awesome!


now that there is more time I hope we see a few more customizations.


Hopefully they will add more customizations. Maybe some new race class combinations :crossed_fingers:


I’ll be very happy if this extra time means they add the Darkfallen aesthetic options to Blood Elves.

Assuming this delay is why Void Elf underwear is now done for every new skin tone and on the PTR, I can’t see why they can’t add the underwear to the one female Darkfallen skin tone that’s missing it and make those options usable by Blood Elves. It would take a fraction of the time it took to do all the new Void Elf skins and I’d like to believe it would make a lot of Blood Elf players happy.

At the very least I’d like to see this done for Blood Elves by launch, if not by pre-patch. Not that this is all they need, but it would at least be something.