Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I think this would be cool but imo it should probably be restricted to both Undead Thalassian Elves & Undead Night Elves. Possibly some trolls though as well. Maybe even a Nathanos style human model. One thing i’ve always wanted for the Forsaken though has been the option to play as a full blown Skeleton.

I wouldn’t be entirely opposed to this either. Especially if they’re supposed to reflect the Beyond the Dark Portal army which could include Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, High Elves & possibly Kul Tirans.


Yes, this would be awesome.

Google gave me this to share:


Omfg. DEAD… the pigtail skeleton! :joy:


Also I had a thought, if the main argument for BE being holy is due to the sun well, then that same argument can be applied to alliance aligned high elves (the ones that did not turn into VE or turned to the void) they too take energies from the sunwell, not just BE’s, which in your own arguments, makes them just as holy as BE’s are.

And this is on top of the fact that alliance HE has access to church’s of the holy light to choose to worship and now an option to lightforged if blizz allows model toggles.

They could always expand on the Light theme with Blood Elves in a way that feels different from Lightforged. Something like a Light version of the mana strands that Nightborne NPCs have in their hair, perhaps. I’ve also seen sunlit tips, like a sunlight version of the Dark Iron fire tips suggested.

And Light themed tattoos different in shape to the Lightforged ones. Obviously no gold plating, since they didn’t go through the Lightforging process.


I won’t be apposed to that, as long it is not as strongly presented as a lf elf would have since lightfirging is inclined as becoming a true light being. I think a mix of arcane/light graphic type hair would be nice (kinda like how azerite looks with mostly blue with light stream through it)

The second paladins become the core of their military the Light might be as big a theme for them.


Arator can lead the alliance version, and no, it did not brother, otherwise they would show up much more often then they do. Specially since the blood knights was previously the royal guard, the elite of the elite. Lady liadrin has no business leading them back then, but I digress on that.

The blood knights make up multiple divisions according to quest text in Legion. A division is a major military unit.


arator has no elves to lead

Your just but hurt because I chewed up and spat up your guys reasoning for be being holy elves.

Btw, it’s;

Not all HE would turn to the void after all.

The magister’s and farstriders far out number the one small division of a large military of an magic using army.

You actually didn’t provide an argument or counter anyone else’s argument. Nor did you provide any citations.

That’s a big [Citation needed]

Not only is there more than one blood knight division according to quest dialogue, a division by definition is a large unit.

Also ironic that you are calling us butthurt given how your last few posts have read as you trying desperately to for some reason gatekeep the Light away from blood elves. Please don’t both replying unless you plan on providing some sources besides your headcanon and maybe in less of a salty tone, I won’t be responding otherwise.

When did I say I am keeping the light from them? I said it is not a central theme, if anything it is a minor theme of there’s like the humans and dwarves has it.

I am not being desperate lol, I am stating what is seen in game, they only show up with liadrin, which is not often at all.

Humans and Dwarves don’t have glowing golden eyes or a central aspect of their culture that looks like this:


So Garithos has a chance? Lol



Uther did, and a central part of there culture is this

They are also the birth races of paladins, not the be, not the he. Nor should the be or he be 100% themed on it or is.

Tbh I wouldn’t even mind, they could wring some really interesting story out of the ur-Scarlet Crusader being risen into undeath.


The difference between the Church of the Holy Light and the Sunwell is that one is a religious site, while the other is a fount of Holy energy that infuses all Blood Elves with its power across time and space.