Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

This is perfectly plausible to me.

I also agree with this, lol.

Alliance-aligned High Elves, though? I doubt it. Random netural Helves? Sure.

I don’t think that any group of people should be viewed as a monolith. And there is nothing ignoble about returning to the homeland just because it is with the Horde.

If a high elf left due to the mana wyrm diet, and that was enough for them to defect, Void Elves have given them reason to defect again. Those conditions have changed. Heck, a lot of conditions have changed.

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:face_with_raised_eyebrow: This is interesting considering what someone claimed you said somewhere else earlier.

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Yeah I said it and regretted my actions and moved on. People can change.

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And shaming and screaming doesn’t change minds, it does the opposite.

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Absolutely agree.

It’s a different situation though. Their entire kingdom resorted to their “diet”. Void Elves are the exception, both in thalassian culture and Alliance culture. They don’t need to associate with Void Elves if they don’t want to. If they return to Quel’thalas, they have to associate with all the people they disagreed with from before, and on top of that they have to ally themselves with Trolls, Orcs and Undead.

While it’s perfectly reasonable to say what we feel is likely, and unlikely, we have to remember that these options were designed so that a player could choose any history relating to it for their character. Gold eyes for non light-wielding classes for example, however unlikely, players are still allowed to decide that their character has been cleansed by the Sunwell.

I imagine this freedom applies to the blue eyes as well. Are you a neutral High elf who’s returned to Silvermoon? Perhaps you lived in isolation in one of the alliance lodges, and after the Sunwell was restored decided to return to Quel’thalas, maybe you defected after the purge of Dalaran?

All these options are open to us now. But it is important to recognize that these possibilities apply only to our characters, and have no implication toward the story at-large until blizzard confirms it in some way or form.


He, I, and members of the community had a talk about it and he came around. He understands the problem with certain language now. People evolve at different paces. That’s how it is done, not public humiliation.

Moral indignation doesn’t necessarily work out like that. The same sort of thing that caused some of them to defect because of an Alliance made a continent away. On the short list of what’s worst than orc, the void is pretty high up there.


Okay, then. They can actively oppress Void Elves if they really weren’t okay with it, because the Void Elves aren’t running the Stormwind or Alliance government. They never had that choice in Quel’thalas, and they still wouldn’t have it now.

The mana wyrm diet is over and there is no draft so they wouldn’t have to do that in the homeland either.

I somehow doubt Blood Elves would be okay with Alliance-aligned High Elves returning to their kingdom and suddenly making a bunch of petitions to change their rules. Even if they’re not about the fel or whatever else anymore, High Elves are still probably not very friendly towards the rest of the Horde races.

Eh Alliance high elves are much like the Farstrider Blood elves, which is why they get along so well with the Silver Covenant. I don’t think Alliance high elves perspectives would conflict too much with Blood elven ideologies, nor would they command any change not only expressed by the Farstriders.

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They were actually formally invited to return. You also have to remember, Alliance high elves aren’t one group.

There is plenty of room for individuals or even groups to return to the fold.

The only real group of High Elves were the SC pretty much as far as I am aware they are mostly scattered.

This is true, High elves aren’t some formal group with shared ideals, and beliefs. While high elves can gather in numbers, they tend to have different priorities, beliefs and ideals from one group, to another.

I think they would, or they never would have stayed with the Alliance and refused to identify as a Sin’dorei. And we don’t really know if the Farstriders and Silver Covenant get along, as far as I’m aware. We know Haludron and Vereesa do, though.

Lor’themar was rejected by the only group of High Elves he personally reached out to with that offer(which I think also happened to be literally the only people that got that offer).

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There is also a commune we haven’t seen since TBC, some who were already living in Stormwind, and those who were with Alleria on the otherside of the Dark Portal.

As you’ve understood it.

Can you show me where that offered was made anywhere else?