Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

A. Game mechanics. High Elves canonically aren’t known to do this.

B. People have suggested cosmetics for racials concerning subraces, so any Void effects could be swapped out for Arcane for example to represent pure High Elves that haven’t touched the Void. Paladins would admittedly be a better fit if this could happen.

You being obtuse =/= mental gymnastics. I am literally citing things in game left and right and these are very simple concepts and should be easy for most to follow.

You’re free disagree, but there’s no need to insult everyone’s intelligence, we’ve already established such behaviour is not cute.


Racials always represented what the race is, or represents, and history. So no your answer is incorrect, racials goes farther the just gameplay.

This request is practically a soft delete of void elves. So I disagree this should be implemented, as I did the last time the previous thread discussed this.

The problem of making a sub race in VE is that unlike dwarves and trolls, they are in game stated as void elves. Dwarves always was called just dwarves and same as trolls. You would have to do major mental gymnastics and literally not only ignore the text but also ignore the voice acting to make this work in your head.

A good majority has made you sensable answers that you failed to address them properly. You stating the same thing over and over in hopes some one gave up to so you can say “I win”. You have not made a proper debate yet on this. At least the previous guy outright said he wanted paladins to be reto conned, you are demanding the game bend over back-wards for it.

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The term “pure high elves” doesn’t sit right with me.


What about impure naughty high elves :smiling_imp:

That’s fine and not adjacent to uncomfortable real life things.


Jokes aside I understand what you meant.

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If Blizz decides to give those purple NPC eyes to the belfs and not the velfs whose whole theme is purple voidy magic I will riot.

Also check out this user’s void elf edits for more cool eyes.


see the shiny black eyes? the npc purple version of those, is really nice.

I totally forgot they have those already for blood elf NPCs. Have we seen those in-game yet?

they do? i only heard of high elf npcs with them. oh those need to be available to belfs/velfs/helfs. and frankly, nelfs would look cool with them too. so far nelfs only have white, yellow or pale blue eye colors and then the blind options. not sure what they are gonna do about night warrior black eyes after shadowlands

Go check the SL dressing room and go to blood elfs and select the NPC only option and you will find the black eyes.

hmm what are they up too… :innocent: i meant the purple ones.

Man, Silverleaf does some beautiful work. Big fan of the eye colours especially the more old god style ones. It makes sense cause they’re all about eyes mostly.

I’d really just like some more muted/natural hair colours at least.


and a couple new hairstyles. perhaps from one of the alliance races. and ear size/eyebrow size. and black hair color and white hair color.

and playable bard class. hehe

Which is the core of your argument, which is fine, there’s no need to incorrectly toss the term mental gymnastics.

People are literally looking past my actual argument and going straight for ad hominem, no one, including you have really addressed my argument. The closest you’ve got is stating your opinion on the matter, which I’ve also quoted as the rest is irrelevant, not to mention incorrect.

A proper debate would be; "I don’t think High Elves and Void Elves should unify and be considered the same playable race, even though the latter has already started.

I am calling for a revamp to the race/customization system for smoother player agency, yes. On this point, you’d be disagreeing with me on a gameplay stance, not a lore stance ie the ‘mental gymnastics’ you so fondly cite(erroneously).

I am using the term ‘pure high elves’ in reference to High Elves who aren’t infused with the Void as I was under the impression that people sincerely weren’t understanding my point, but it just turns out that they were being obtuse.

And please don’t bring serious issues into this in a dirty attempt to gaslight people, as it would be quite vile and probably reportable. Not to mention it would severely downplay the struggles many people are facing, which would also be quite telling of character.

I really hope you’d be above such things :slightly_smiling_face:


First before I say anything;

Gaslighting is a serious issue in relationships which leads into a form of brainwashing and demoralization in one own memory and personality, I am going to ask you to not mis-use the term or use it lightly, even as an insult.

Your request to merge the 2 races into one had been requested before, with the same dwarf priest asking for an option to change the void racials to have an arcane appearance, this is a soft delete of the void elf race because

A. If the arcane can do the same thing as the void can with the same potancy studying the void would had been pointless, thus creating VE entire story pointless and obsolete.

B. While some HE is becoming VE (note becoming, not remaining as HE) not all of them would be ‘ok’ with using a currupting force and would want to work under the VE, you know being it is the same reason why originally they where banished because they refused to use Mana tap due to it’s functions?

Also as note; You want VE paladins, you need to look up the lore on what light and void does when they interact, or… You know read the posts above that told you what happens.

People had read and understood your arguments, made proper responses, and you choose to ignore them. On top of your “void” elf “paladin” requests.

Is the only way to describe you at this point.


in selesnya’s defense, i will say that it is a bit odd that both high elves and void elves forgot how to pally, even if it is currently impossible for velfs to pally without going kaboom. personally, i’m not interested in anti-paladin but i do think helfs should be able to pally, so the situation is currently quite odd.

for the record, i also think nightborne and belfs should be able to druid, and nelfs should also be able to pally.


Velfs can’t be pally’s but they can be holy priests. Conversely, Light Forged Goats can be shadow priests.

One of the outstanding stupidest things in this game are the class/race combos. Time to open up all classes to all races to improve the player experience when so many combo’s already conflict.


well one way they could do helf pally is the moment you select human skin color option as a velf, it gives you helf options only (so no velf hairstyles and only helf eye colors of blue or purple), including pally option for classes. then make the helf hairstyles, alliance exclusive hairstyles, that havent ever been shared with belfs, thus keeping helfs visually distinct from belfs. thats about the only way to differentiate them at this point.