Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Will just steal from the other thread for you.

Goblin Male-
3-4 new faces, younger, uglier and resembling gilgoblin
Separate sideburns and hair options
Facial hair- stubble
Mustache, pencil-thin, curly, mafioso-style, Clark-Gable style, etc.
1-2 new nose options - very long, very fat
1-2 chin option - low (jowels/fat), very long
3-4 Skin colors- dark grey Hellfire citadel goblins, blue-ish for Gilgoblins
2-3 Gilgoblin ear options
Gold tooth options
Blind eye options
Yellow eye color option
Tacky Goblin Style Tattoo’s: Bombs, Pineapples, Hearts, Gears, that sorta thing.

Goblin Female-
1-2 new faces, resembling Gilgoblin
3-4 Skin colors- dark grey Hellfire citadel goblins, blue-ish for Gilgoblins
2-3 Gilgoblin ear options
1-2 new nose options - very long, very fat
5-6 new earring options
eyebrow piercing options
Gold tooth options
Blind eye options
Yellow eye color option
Tacky Goblin Style Tattoo’s: Bombs, Pineapples, Hearts, Gears, that sorta thing.

This was the thread if you want to add some other requests from it for other races.