Content Unlock Delayed -- September 15

How many patches launch in time and are actually playable?

this company is sooo cringe. who else is just waiting for new world launch to unsub from this trash game?

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Ugh. But my Goggle mats/gems/scroll are taking up so much inventory space lol.

Nothing to do with an opinion. If doing ssc as soon as humanly possible was what he and his guild wanted they would have changed their raid day.

They stuck with tuesday, so they have next tuesday. Or today, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, monday to go in.

I mean TBF you are acting like changing the raid night of 25 people is easy, people join guilds with set raid nights for a reason :man_shrugging: because those are they days that work for them

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I agree they have the right to complain. But there is complaining and then there is …this

Which isn’t helpful to anyone.

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Respectfully disagree with your assessment Bloomsday. That is simply a declarative statement. It is not a well formed reasoned (if brief) explanation.

Nope, so Atlantic time and china time get the patch on schedule, as well as south Africa and Zimbabwe.

PST will be delayed 1 hour, east coast 90 minutes, and central time 4 days.

Jeeze did you even read the post? Lol

Yes it is. The delay is because of “unforeseen circumstances.” There’s not much else we are entitled to know.

If you want all the details into Blizzard’s inner workings, you should consider applying to the company. :man_shrugging:


Oof Size Large

I feel bad for the EU people planning to raid on release

So far this year? 1 out of 3

To be fair, the TBC launch went surprisingly well. For some reason its the tiny patch launches they keep screwing up.

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It doesn’t matter what they say, you aren’t going to accept any reason they give so why should they bother.

They know how people are going to react, and at least 90% of the time people get outraged over nothing, so they give the bare minimal because its not worth putting out a serious effort to receive the same negativity you would get from low effort.

It isn’t about being “entitled” to know. It is about communication of the issue and trust that said communication will help the community inform their teammates why they cannot begin raid as scheduled. For a company that has always had a hard time communicating to its customers standing back and drinking coffee while the communication shack burns down around you has a terrible set of optics.

Imagine crying about a 90 minute delay on a patch you are probably going to raid log on for a month in order to take purple pixels away from your guildies who have held the fort down only to cancel your sub to play New World for a few months only to come back when BT launches to repeat the process over and over again.


multi dollar company


Based af! Preach it!

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Angry people = Metrics
Metrics = Useful information
Useful information is helpful to blizzard. It shows them how important it is for them to stop screwing everything up in the future when more and more people scream at them because of it.

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well then obviously going into ssc/tk as soon as humanly possible isn’t what they wanted and they can wait.

Is it fair if a guild raids thursday but content drops on Tuesday? Where’s the fairness for thursday raiders!

I guarantee you that they fully understand how insignificant the forum outrage actually is. Its 100% the reason why they don’t communicate with us on these things, they already know how you are going to over react before you are going to do it.


In all honesty, who didn’t see this coming?

I’ll be surprised if they don’t push it back as far as Thursday.

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