Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

As a note, I don’t understand the generally negative pushback against Hyjal being made the NE Captial (Not Nordrassil, Hyjal)? Its absurdly naturally defended, has immense cultural significance, and one would hope that as an extension Winterspring could be turned into a full NE Winter Wonderland (I have been wanting to see NE winter aesthetics since Vanilla god damnit! Especially with the current art team!)

Plus, if they found out about the whole Steamwheedle funding the Horde War effort under the table, the NEs can take out that ugly blot that is Everlook and the Horde it give impetus for the Horde to snag Tanaris. With the Trade Prince Gazlowe moving on Gadgetzan with some good-old Corporate Takeover stories, and the Rokhan getting to strut his leadership stuff by bringing in ZF and the Farraki.

There are a lot of win, win, wins there.


You can see Worgen in the Darkshore warfront. I know this because it’s the only example in-game where we see Worgen NPCs swap between their human and worgen form. When they are walking around they are human, when they enter combat they change into their worgen form. It’s really cool actually.

Lorna and Tess are also there. But I agree with you, that hardly counts as a Worgen fist bump moment… that was more returning the favor to our allies, the Kaldorei.

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You mean you didn’t swell with Worgen Pride watching those three Worgen- holds back urge to vomit “Sentinels” stand there and do nothing all Warfront?


I don’t know about it being made the capital but gosh do I want it to be updated, get that ugly fiery crap out of Hyjal please Blizzard it’s been ten years.

God…Lorna AND Tess in the same sentence concerning worgen, as if that somehow makes the situation any better

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But couldn’t you imagine it having this really cool cascading nature city look moving down the mountain from Nord? With that flowing transition into WS? And yes, fixing all those gross Firelands things. To date one of the most under appreciated cities is Jintha’Alor, due to how cool that terraced look is. It be fascinating to see what the current Art team could do on a grander NE scale.


I vomited in my mouth…Such a proud moment… snort

LMAO facts. I love Lorna and Tess is cool, but they really need to be Worgen, or at least one of them.

the pushback of the idea came not from night elves atleast.

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Well since Tess told us to get on the Human gravy train she can die for all I care. I’ll take Lorna any day though. Surprised she’s not a worgen like her dad though.


My vote, Lorna. If Tess has decided not to become a Worgen out of a need to represent ALL Gilnean people, then Lorna should be the one to do it. Genn and especially Crowley are getting on in the years, and those two daughters of Gilneas really should be getting the TLC needed to take their dual dad’s places.


We can probably agree that there are likely very few people who enjoyed the narrative on either side.



The fact is that they have important roles in the Worgen story without being worgen themselves. The Worgen are Gilnean first and foremost, but yeah, Lorna becoming Worgen would be neat.

I know you don’t like it but Worgen are still humans. Cursed humans yes, but they are still human.

They remain as WORGEN when they die. They aren’t humans anymore. Even Tess admits that much. It’s the love affair with Human Potential that fans of the other races can never have anything nice.


I actually love this thought. Tess remains human while Lorna becomes a Worgen, both representing each aspect of Gilnean culture. Also in regards to Genn getting up there in age, I think he dies in Shadowlands, Tess has gotten too much attention for them not to be planning it.

Although I still want to know if Worgen age the same as Humans or if they age slower do to their direct connection to Elune and Goldrinn.

As Micah said, Worgen aren’t just cursed humans. The curse changes them on a physical, mental, and spiritual level.


TO your previous argument, the only ones who have been against these ideas as far i noticed have mostly been a red background^^

I mean, Azuremoon isn’t necessarily wrong, just…the curse has no real bite to it outside of the starting zone. And without that, all you’re left with is human potential.


It’s a pretty obscure lore point, but I read that while in worgen form, they don’t feel the pains of ageing. Which suggests their worgen form does slow it to a degree.

Like in the Wolfheart novel, when Genn shifts into his Worgen form, he doesn’t feel like a old man anymore

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Which is what me and Dard have been railing against for months now. I’m not the only one who loathes it.

The problem is that without Worgen there is no external distinction between SW and Gilneas and even the coat of arms is very similar. Furthermore, without the Worgen transformation, you wouldn’t even notice if Gilnea troops were walking around in an alliance tabard, because they would simply be humans.

Kul’Tirans are noticed immediately, but Gilneans without worgen form are not.