Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

You still haven’t given a single reason as to why these characters should be dead. Only vague insults about the forum avatar I use.


Why should she count as a horde death…when she lore wise, is not part of the faction anymore and rather publicly bailed on them?

this discussion right now, will not end well…

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Bad Actors from the Red and Black tend to do that to discussions.

I just asked a honest question. shrug

Can you give a good reason why they should be alive?

Malfurion takes Saurfang’s Axe to the back after going toe to toe with Sylvanas. He’s fine within a patch.

Jaina goes toe to toe with the Horde champions, she’s fine within the same patch.

Mekkatorque is apparently a Paladin because he bubble hearthed away from the Horde champions that he went toe to toe with. He’s fine within a patch.

Anduin had every bone in his body crushed. He got super powers.


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you both know, it will escalate in a “who have it worse” and “who have more power” discussion …

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Just have to see how dishonest they want to be.



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The one time I’ll agree with Gantrithor actually. Anduin should have died and been fuel to maybe make wrecking the character of all the other Alliance Leaders to forward Varian’s worth something.

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You’re the one who suggested they should be dead. I shouldn’t have to justify why they should be alive.

He’s the most powerful druid on Azeroth. It’s not far-fetched. Characters have come back from much worse.

Not sure why that means she should be dead. She was never shown to be anywhere near death in the raid. Raid boss surviving encounters is nothing new.

And will fall back into irrelevancy for 4 expansions. Who cares.

I do agree I would have preferred him to die instead of Varian. He didn’t. But that doesn’t mean he SHOULD be dead.

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The Pancake Overlords are content. Let the Maple Syrup goodness flow freely!

sits back and noms some popcorn patiently waiting for the fireworks

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I disagree, I would argue the majority of the remaining Gilneans are worgen. I’d say 60/40 at the least.

Everyone in Stormglen were killed or turned into Worgen same with Gilneas City, which held most of the population, Duskhaven likely was the least affected place by the worgen curse.

So yeah, I’d argue most Gilneans are now Worgen.


It was called the Darkshore Warfront. That’s why the group we fight with is called the Army of the Dark Moon, that and Tyrande. But Genn’s walking out on Anduin and sending his forces gives the Worgen an equal share of ownership to that of the Night Elves.


Imagine making this statement and holding it as a serious opinion. If I was a Worgen Player I’d be frothing. Pun intended.


Someone forgot to tell Blizzard to actually show the worgen than. Because all I saw was Kaldorei. It’s another case of blizzard telling us they were there, but never showing us.

And Tyrande is the most powerful priestess…

That’s what I’m getting at.

There is basically no chance she will die. Especially not because of powers gifted to her by her patron deity.

He had every bone in his body crushed. Not only did nothing negative come out of it, he ended up with a net positive.

Only Alliance characters.



I get why you call some people Bad Actors now.