Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

Which is really weird? Like, I do not get it. It feels like Mt Hyjal for the NEs and Stratholme for the Forsaken would be the natural choices for new capital cities; while a new World Tree gets regrown (if they want one) and Lordaeron gets de blighted. Both prospective capitals have an enormous amount of Cultural and Thematic Power for both groups. Hyjal is highly defensive as the NEs need, Stratholme has a canon massive harbor … which the Forsaken should be allowed to use to deal with their population issues (AKA freeing the Scourge they can once they are truly freed from outside influence. Back to basics style).

Both just make sense.


This is true, Genn mentions he doesn’t feel the affects of of old age while in Worgen form and can fight like someone in their youthful prime.
Damn you ninja’d me with the edit!

But yeah I think it would be interesting if they age slower in Worgen form, but normally in human form…

Indeed. I want worgen to be dangerous and dark. Make them vicious and not just tea sipping Stormwind Humans that can occasionally turn into wolf monsters.

I have said this a few times, but it annoys me to NO END that Blizzard changed the Gilneas flag, which looked way cooler by the way, to just be the Stormwind logo with darker colors. What the hell is that?

Blizzard said screw Gilneans I guess.


All so their golden messiah Anduin can save us from ourselves and the Void Lords. :face_vomiting:


I’d rather the Void Lords eat us all at this point


If I had the choice between the Void Lords and Golden Boy Anduin? Sign me up for the void lords.


Mainly because story-wise, none of them deserved it.

Malfurion was just trying to defend his home against the Horde, Jaina had just managed to sort out her business and move past her trauma. You have a point with Mekkatorque, if the war itself had led to anything beyond the stalemate it was. He would, efffectively, have died for nothing at Dazar’alor, by the Horde’s hand, which frankly would have been wasting him.

And lo, the forlorn gazed towards the sky, tinted in everlasting light. They cried to the heavens, rending their fine clothes and tearing at their hair, shouting “O Golden One, why hast Thou abandoned us?”

And verily, The Great Sun brought His warmth to the forgotten as a face took shape in the heavens. The shape became Anduin, smiling down. And at once, His lessers became humans.

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Do I think it’s a bad argument, why? Well, deserve death is always relative, who goes into a battlefield can potentially die. It’s just the way it is.

However, I think Jaina could have died in BFA, the gnomes would have had no one without their leader, so it would have been more serious if he died.

It’s not a practical suggestion because it’s a cross faction play area for Cataclysm.

Also Blizzard has made it’s stance quite clear… No new player capitals ever again so it may also be an expression of doubt.

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Can’t POSSIBLY imagine what THAT would be like …



You don’t fee lit when you’re high on dust either, so I think it’s more of the fact that their worgen forms are fueled by adrenaline.

It’s like he’s completely unaware that the least liked Alliance race is comparable to most of the Horde.

Make it up with Blizzard, no one demanded that Vol’Jin die, no one. They did it on their own.


Nah, Genn states in Wolfheart that he does not the aches and pains while in his worgen form like he does while in his human form and has the strength of someone in their 20s. There’s a clear benefit to being in your worgen form

Correction I believe he states he has the vigor of someone in their 20s. Worgen are actually quite strong physically, as we see them able to lift grown men with one hand with ease, rip a person’s body in half, throw a carriage, and Genn slams his foot down and cracks that titanforged flooring which means he must be pretty freaking strong.

There are definitely clear benefits to being in worgen form. I’d argue they carry over into human form as well as we see worgen in human form outrunning a guy on a horse in the comics.


Do you remember how that ended, mate?

Spoilers - Despite a god-level power up, Tyrande and the most powerful druid on the face of Azeroth couldn’t kill an archer with a power up.

Now we get to watch Tyrande descend into madness and probably end up as a raid boss (if we’re lucky).

If you consider that an actual payoff, you’re well short.

As an aside, for those claiming “The NElves got Darkshore back!” you’re conveniently forgetting the destruction of wildlife from the Horde’s wanton use of the Plague.


I think at some story it does say Genn looked more younger, which kinda is a vampire thing than werewolf but honestmy shapeshifting should do something to old cells in getting younger

Cause it’s a cenarion circle place and many horde players have time spent in there.

They said it’s very time consuming and I can get but seriously, seeing the last hurrah was Zandalar and KT it’s sad cause capitals hubs are what they should aim in warcraft to make it distinguished

She was talking about the 3 whole worgen sentinels who stand around while giving out a quest and doing absolutely nothing else as some sort of Proud worgen moment which was far from it.

Sigh Now I’m aggravated thinking about that craptastic war front

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It’s also very much the Kaldoreis most sacred place. Horde players can get lost about feeling bad on that front. That I’m not defending horde players on.

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I highly doubt the Worgen would betray the race that saved them from their curse and housed them when Gilneas fell. Even during BFA, Genn says that the Nelves need help more than they need Gilneas.