Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

How many big red flags point to Tyrande getting killed off?


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Anytime she’s mentioned it’s lamenting that the Night Warrior Power will tear her apart.

She’s painted as in opposition to Anduin.


The Night Fae convenant hints that if they can’t find more Night Warriors to spread the power around to, it’s going to consume her, long before she even reaches Torghast.

Some Worgen (Ivar Bloodfang and co) are indeed vicious and mean but the overall Gilnean faction, comprised mostly of unaffected humans, is still just another human nation with a cooler aesthetic and different themes.

And that’s not what we were promised. We were promised a group/nation of angry wolf men.


It’s been 10 years and they’ve never been portrayed that way. Blizzard lies more often than Pinocchio on crack.

They don’t get portrayed at all outside of being defanged alliance bootlickers. Funny you think the worgen have ever been relevant to the story.

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That is a problem, never said it wasn’t. They appear in the story and have secondary roles in other races’ stories but never as the driving force in the story, I agree and when they did it was mostly Genn. They suffer from the Sylvanas syndrome, where your race is defined by a single character, but less so as at least they have Lorna, Darius and Tess.

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Right, again I’ll ask:

Alliance characters have this really annoying habit of not dying when they should.

Malfurion should be dead
Jaina should be dead
Mekkatorque should be dead
Anduin should be dead

Since Vanilla, the only Alliance leader Blizzard has legitimately killed off was Varian and that happened likely as parity for Vol’Jin (or vice versa).

No, I doubt they’ll kill off Tyrande despite what the narrative pushed about the Night Warrior power up. It can’t even be consistent in that. Tyrande is supposedly consumed with vengeance but she is perfectly capable of showing mercy.



I suppose Fandral Staghelm (who literally became a loot pinata) never existed.


That’s also another source of contention amongst worgen fans. Worgen like Ivar and Darius are never used in the story. We haven’t heard from Darius since the siege of Gilneas. And Ivar was at the Battle for Darkshore but we didn’t get to see any of it.


Which faction did he lead again?


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Co-leader of the Night Elves. I’m not sure what you’re trying to get at.

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He bailed on the Kaldorei during the whole fire lands scenario. He most defiantly wasn’t alliance when he died


If you say so…


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He was leader from vanilla up to WotLK. Unless we don’t count leaders that bail on their factions? Then I suppose Sylvanas doesn’t count either and the list of Horde leaders who died in action would amount to :

Cairne and Vol’jin. (Garrosh doesn’t count, he wasn’t part of the player-Horde anymore, right?)

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Oh? And who decided they should die, you? Blizzard should kill off major characters to appease your hurt feelings?

That’s what I’m seeing so I guess this:

Is true. Guess the Horde don’t actually have it as bad as they say. Since it’s 2 for 2.

Hollow words coming from a Nelf player.
