Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

And what part are they giving up? 8 to 1 kills? By the way, what is the ratio of kills between defenders and attackers in reality?

Is this you, who seriously just said several times, you dismiss any new lore because It’s not relevant?. Pick a lane and stay in it already

Approximately in what message did the conversation start?

Ill answer this for you. Yes, she is claiming that. She just called me “A known racist” in another thread. Which to anyone who actually knows me is hella laughable.

I love how you’re trying to validate your straw man by accusing me of taking the point that I have repeatedly told you I’m not taking.

So again, no one is disputing that this information is canon. We are disputing its impact to the audience. Leave the poor straw man alone.


It varies substantially.


We’re on the story forum, to discuss the story, not it;s impact, for the thousandth time now

M … The ratio of partisans to a regular army?

Again, you can’t discuss the story without considering how it affects the audience. Once again, for the thousandth time.

Good lord…

Impact is relevant to story… Dude, educate yourself, please.

Are we definitely discussing history, rather than trying to prove that we suffered more?

Again, no one claimed otherwise. It’s a small portion of the story…for the thousandth time

Again, it varies quite a bit.


Um … How is history discussed in reality?

Am I having a stroke?

YOU claimed otherwise…

This isn’t history. History doesn’t concern itself with how audiences may view it. A story on the other hand is judged on how audiences view it.

Depends on the media the story is being told in though. Books for instance allow you to go into greater detail than say a movie or MMO


I love that movie so much

Sort of.

You certainly have more room for exposition, but more of that room has to be used to do things like describe environments, characters, attire, appearance, sights, sounds, scale, etc. Visual media can just show that to you, and interactivity dictates your frame of reference. Video game authors need to write with those tools in mind.

The other matter with leaning on books other than that their information isn’t as memorable as a visually-presented counterpart is that when we are discussing a video game - that is the base product that people engage with, whereas surrounding information is tangential, and unseen by most people. It’s tempting then to say “well, I don’t have time for this, so I’ll just put it in a book”, but that’s not the answer if you want to get things across in a way that your video game audience will understand.

That’s why it matters when they put important things in books and not the game, and when we address things from a balance perspective, that’s why you have objections, formed from the emotional impacts of the core product, that while contracted by transmedia narrative, persist nonetheless - and can’t simply be thrown out by regurgitating some obscure fact contained somewhere in a tie-in novel.